Little Psychic talk and more info

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Most of this is kinda repeated from what the story from Naru explaining ESP and PK. You can skip this and head to the next part of the story if you want since its just more PK and ESP talk.

The two main types of psychic powers: ESP and PK

ESP- Stands for Extrasensory Perception

—Its a special ability to perceive things that ordinary people can't. There are two types of ESP which are clairvoyant powers and telepathy.

PK-Stands for Psychokinesis

—Its the ability to move objects by using only willpower.

A psychic can be classified as either PK or ESP. Occasionally there will be people who are a mixture of both but mostly a person can be classified as one or the other.

There are 3 types of PK.

*PK-MT(Rolling a dice and wishing for it to land on a certain side would be an example) Ability to control objects that are already in motion.

*PK-ST(Bending a spoon is an example) Ability to influence a stationary object.

*PK-LT(Affecting the state of an animal would be an example) Ability to influence a living things.

Onmyoji means " a master of the Way of Onmyo."

-Onmyo is a type of spell oriented in China and the tradition was brought to Japan.

-The spell of the hitogata (human charm) is part of the tradition of the Way of Onmyo.

(Hitogata is also practiced in Shinto religion.)

Zuso= by praying to the gods, Buddha or worshipping evil spirits, one prays and hopes that a curse will be placed on others.

Enmi= it is one of the most well practiced spells of Onmyou-dou (the way of onmyo),and the spell is done by using a hitogata in the shape of the person you want to place a curse on. It is believed that by hammering a nail onto the hitogata or praying to it one may lead the person to death.

Jusha= (similar to western counterpart, witch) is a person who uses a spell to place a curse onto others. Juha may use enemy to hurt people.

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