Ch.5 A Forbidden Game Pt.7

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"H-how did this happen!? The door! Where is it?? What should I do now?"-Mai 'I gotta get out of here' she thought

She suddenly started to hear scratching and squeaking 'what is that a mouse.' Shadows started to form around the windows again. 'It's nothing like a mouse, it's something completely else. What if it comes this way?' "No, no"Mai started to say louder fear getting to her, and the noise getting louder as well, she covered her ears wishing that the sound would just go away.

"Mai!"-Naru yelled

"Naru!"-Mai said with relieve

"The floor... what happened?"-Naru said as he started to help Mai up

"Are you hurt?"-Yumi

"No I think I'm ok and I wish, I knew. There was this big noise and before I knew it..." Before she finished a large noise interrupted her, the ceiling was starting to cave in.


'Why does my back feel so heavy?'-Mai


'Something's wrong the ceiling must've caved in. But what caused this?'

"Mai! Say something! Are you okay!" MAI!

'Something feels warm'-she thought

Mai started to wake up and turned her head slightly, she gasped Naru was above her.

Eventually they got out

"Really now, how is it that you always manage to get injured? The same goes for you Naru! You two are unbelievable. At least these injuries will heal."-Ayako

"It's only because the ceiling boards are weak. Its no big deal"-Naru

"Shouldn't you go to a hospital and get it checked out?"-Monk

"I'm fine! Wow, I can't believe the whole ceiling caved in"-Mai

"This is no joke! A spirit would have to have the strength of an army to make a whole ceiling cave in like that".-Monk

"So you're saying that the entity has gotten stronger?"-Yasu

"Stronger and more brutal."-Monk

"I-it hatched!"-Mai


'That vision I had, must be coming true after all.'-Mai thought

"It's been sleeping until now and once it built up enough strength it must've hatched. That means no one can stop it...."

Next Day

"What!? We're giving up! Right in the middle of our investigation?"-Mai

"Yeah, we decided in a meeting"-Monk

"As bad as things are, we're just gonna leave!?"-Mai

"We told our client that we were giving up."-Monk

"That's impossible! Yumi!"

"You're right Mai but what do you want me to say dude?"-Yumi said back

"Naru! You're okay with this!? But that thing is still here. If we leave it'll still devour the remaining spirit and then it'll grow even stronger. In the end, all that'll remain will be the most powerful spirit ever right?"-Mai

Naru had been quiet but turned to look at Mai with a stunned look at her last statement.

"What did you just say?"-Naru

"Huh, you mean 'it'll devour the remaining spirits, and all that'll remain will be the most powerful spirit ever'?"-mai

"Yes"-Naru said with a look of realization on something

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