Ch.4 After School Hexer Pt.2

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They arrived at class 2-5

"Its back there"-Yuko said referring to the desk

"Does anyone sit here now?"-Naru

"No one wants to, when the girl sitting here got hurt so badly she was sent to the hospital''-Yuko

"And the desk has stayed in this position"-Naru

"Uhuh, just like that''-Yuko

When Mai and Naru got back to home base Monk was surrounded by a bunch of girls all talking at once about what accidents had happened to them. Yumiko had taken out her laptop as well to help Lin with taking notes since so many people were talking at once. 'Yikes' Mai thought.

_Couple hours later_

''What the heck is going on in this school?I can't believe all the craziness happening here, who's gonna exorcise it all. There's no way I can do it alone''- Monk said as he laid his head on the table tired.

"Sorry Monk, wished we could help but its out of our league"- Mai said as she placed a cup of water in front of him, referring to her and Yumi

"Something's not right here."-Naru

"Hm?" Everyone said as they turned to look at Naru

"Individually these cases are no big deal, but all together they are not normal. Of course assuming that they are all true. With all these similarities there has to be something here causing it"-Naru

'He's right this goes beyond coincidence'-Mai thought

_The next day_

Ayako, Masako and John arrived.

"With these many occurrences I think we should move quickly, I propose we should exorcise anything we come across. If that doesn't work we'll come back together and try something else. I'd like Miss Hara to take a look around the school, you should start with the desk and when you're done head over to the track teams locker room"-Naru

Masako let out a small giggle and said "please I'd be more comfortable if you called me Masako"

'Ah is she flirting with him'-Mai thought annoyed

"Join her Miss Matsuzaki exorcise anything you see fit''-Naru

"Hold on, are you sure there's nothing else you wanna tell Masako? I ask because it seems that recently you've been extra courteous to our celebrity friend''-Ayako

"We can stand around and chit chat all day about things that don't matter, but I would much more prefer to see you in action. Wouldn't you rather get to work and impress us than waste everybody's time. Due to the number of cases we don't have enough equipment to send with you so you'll have to rely on your instincts. Monk and John same goes to you''-Naru

"You got it"-Monk

"Sure thing"-John

"Lin and I will continue the investigation, Mai Yumiko you will wait here for everyone to report back"-Naru


"Sure thing"-Mai

"Alright let's begin"-Naru

And with that everyone went their separate ways.

_With Mai and Yumiko_

''Once again I'm the one left behind"-Mai

"What am I, a potato"-Yumiko said sarcastically "I'm here as well you know."

"You know what I mean"-Mai

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