First of all a reminder that I do not own anything that has to do with Ghost Hunt except my characters or scenes I add. Carry on ___________________________
Mai and Yumi started to work for Naru. And a few days ago they got a case.
~~Mai's P.O.V~~ Me, Yumi-chan and Naru were at the house where the case would be. A women named Morishito Noriko-san let us in and introduced us to her sister-in-law Kana and niece Ayami. A few days ago Noriko-san came into the office where me and Yumi-chan worked at and asked us to take her case.
••••A few days ago•••• "There's something strange about the house. The furniture will suddenly start to rattle, I'll hear knocking on the walls of rooms where there was nobody in, and doors open up on their own. A lot of other strange things are happening"-Noriko-san explained to Naru at his office.
•••Back to Normal Present P.O.V•••
"Who is in charge here?"-Kana-san
Naru stepped up and said he was. Kana stared at him surprised.
***Mai&Yumi's thoughts***
'It's only natural that she'd be surprised '-Mai 'After all, our manager is still in his teens'-Yumi 'I wonder how many people have been and will be surprised to see him as our boss'-Yumi 'Yep'-Mai nodded
"Well alright, is this really the work of, you know, a ghost"-Kana "It's our job to investigate that"-Naru
•••Two Days later•••
Naru, Lin, Mai, and Yumi took the case. They brought and set up equipment at base. Naru and Lin started talking about the equipment and if it was working.
"I wonder if it's not a poltergeist"-Mai "Oh, your starting to sound like a grown up there,"-monk "Monk!!!"-Mai
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Ayako and Monk arrived.
"Yo Mai and Yumi-chan"-Monk "Hello Mai ,Yumi-chan"-Ayako "Hi!!"-Mai "Come on Yumi-chan say hi"-Mai
Yumi glared at her, Mai tensed up a little, monk and Ayako both gave a nervous smile and Mai let out a nervous chuckle.
"How many times have I told you not to call me that, and now those two are calling me that, stop calling my that"-Yumi told Mai with an annoyed look "But Yumiko is too long, then what do you want me to call you then"-Mai said whining a bit.
Yumiko rolled her eyes, really it's too long it's six letters, talk about exaggeration. But she thought about it for a few seconds and then said "Yumi or Yu".
"Huh"-Mai "You can call me be my name or Yumi or Yu for shorter, so don't go adding that -Chan anymore."
Mai let out a sigh when Yumi stopped glaring at her.
Ayako walked into base said they had a bunch of equipment and then walking to the monitors said"Let me see".
"I'd say it's the work of an earth spirit or something"-Ayako "I think it's the work of humans"-Mai "My,listen to you"-Ayako "Now,now, just listen, humans are the culprits in half of all poltergeisting right? And many of them are cases of women under stress, and if your looking for any likely woman in this house it'd be someone who can't get along with with the sister-in-law"-Mai "You mean Noriko-san?"-monk "Indeed, kana-san does seem a bit grating, huh?"-Ayako "Well deduced"-Mai