Ch.3 Ghost Stories in the Park Pt.2

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*Yumi's POV*
I arrived at my home and set my stuff down. I let out a sigh, helping classmates with work huh could have had a better lie prepared but hey they bought it. Although I will have to check on them so the Mai and everyone else won't get suspicious.
Alright then lets do this. And with that I fell asleep and awoke in the dreamscape, I walked around and then I spotted Gene and went over to him. After a few seconds he seemed to notice my presence and looked up
"That's me"-Yumi
"What are you doing here"-Gene
"Looking for you"-Yumi
"You don't expect me to ignore the fact that your Naru's brother and there is obviously some shit going on with you guys and Lin, I want to know what's going on. So I asked Naru for the day off tomorrow so I can get caught up with everything."-Yumi
"Won't they get suspicious for asking a day off out off nowhere?"-Gene
"Said I was gonna do some work and help some class friends"-Yumi
"So you lied"-Gene
"Not completely"-Yumi
"I also heard you have a case tomorrow"-Gene
"it won't kill me to miss one case, this seems to be very important so "-Yumi
"Well looks like you've already made up your mind"-Gene
"Alright then where should I start?"-Gene
"Well obviously the beginning, you and Naru, Lin and why has Naru not mentioned you?"-Yumi
Gene let out a sigh "Alright from the beginning it is. Me and Naru were orphans who were adopted by Luella and Martin Davis'. I'm sure Naru introduced himself as Kazuya Shibuya huh? Well his full name is Oliver Davis and mine is Eugene Davis. It would appear that Naru isn't special in any particular way but he does have spiritual powers. Naru's power is very strong and if he is not careful it could seriously hurt him maybe with him ending in a hospital. I used to be sort of an amplifier for him, it would equalize his energy so it wouldn't take such a toll on him. Lin was hired by our parents to watch and take care of us." Yumiko cut in "wait you said used to, what do you mean by that?" "Well if you haven't caught on it seems I'm dead, if I were alive I'm sure I would have been mentioned or would have shown up where Naru works." "Woah" Yumiko said as she processed this information. "Let me finish explaining everything and then we can go back to my death." "ok" "Well I've seen that you and Mai can talk to each other telepathicly, well that was something that me and Naru could do as well. You might noticed that although me and my brother have the same face our personalities are the complete opposite. "Yeah". "Well that seems like most of what I can remember so far, if you have any questions along the way just ask me and I'll try to answer it. "Alright"
"Well then let's get back on the subject of you being dead"-Yumi
"Right, its hard to talk about that since my memories are very foggy. It seems I had gone to Japan to observe Shinto-style exorcisms but on my trip here it seems I don't know I'm not exactly sure but I might have been ran over" it was obvious that Gene was struggling to remember, all i can remember is getting hit by a car, some women in a red dress and the splash of the cold water lake."
"Its ok if you can't remember every exact detail, don't push yourself. But I do have question"-Yumi
"What is it?"-Gene
"Are you sure you are dead like really completely dead?"-Yumi
"What do you mean, wait don't answer I know what you mean. Now that I think about it I really don't know it's so foggy. But it seems that my parents, Naru and Lin believe so."-Gene
"How did they find out?"-Yumi
"Well you know how me and Naru could talk telepathically, well we are how can I put it, linked, we would sense each others emotions and states of being, we could tell each other what was going on and gave each other a mental picture. When I had that accident Naru also felt what I went through. Right now besides working paranormal cases it seems he is looking for me, all that research you see, well that might be for me".-Gene
"If you and Naru could communicate telepathically and all that, why can't you do that now or talk with him through dreams like you do with me and Mai?"-Yumi
"I don't exactly know, I have tried but I can't seem to get through"-Gene
Yumi sat there quietly in a thinking pose thinking, deep in thought. After sensing that Yumiko had been quiet for quit a while Gene asked "Whats on your mind?" "I was just thinking with all this telepathy shit going on, do you think it is possible you could talk to me telepathically when I am awake?'' "Hmm I never though about it, I honestly don't know. We could try it and see if it works." "Alright then, I'll wake up, try to communicate with me" "Alright"
*No POV*
After a few minutes Yumiko woke up sun flashing at her face, she yawned and looked over at her clock it was already 12:00 her eyes grew wide "ah shit I slept in through the alarm". She stretched and her bones popped, she walked over to her closet and took out some dark blue jeans black shirt and her green hoodie. She ate a granola bar as she gather her papers as she got ready to leave she went down her checklist. Messenger back with phone check, charger check, money check, laptop check. Alright let's go, she got her key's and headed out. As she walked down the stairs of her apartment she seemed to here a faint whisper, she ignored it at first thinking it was nothing but it got louder and louder until she processed that it was Gene's voice. "Oh shit, Gene is that you",
'Yes and you don't have to talk out loud just act like you would when you talk with Mai telepathically',-Gene
'Oh alright, well it seems to have work huh',-Yumi
'Yeah seems so'.-Gene
Yumiko opened her car got in and started driving, 'Where are you heading to?'-Gene
"The office",-Yumi
'I thought I told you you don't have to talk out loud, it sounds like your talking into a microphone or something.'-Gene
'Oh sorry, is it really that loud?'-Yumi
'Yeah, but I believe it's just because I'm not used to it yet '-Gene
'My bad'-Yumi
'Its fine, its probably just cause I'm not used to doing this in a while. So why do you need to go to the office?-Gene
'Well the office has a room of computers and printers which is very useful since I will be planning to research more stuff on Naru and you.'-Yumi
'Did I not answer all your questions?'-Gene
'oh yeah, but your memory is foggy right? Well I don't want you pushing yourself or anything'-Yumi
'What about everybody at the office won't they ask questions?'-Gene
'They're at the case remember and plus i'll be quite and try to keep the mess to a minimum, I'm sure Lin might be there too so'-Yumi
'Oh right, well then if you say so'-Gene

+With Mai and everyone else+
*Mai POV*
We arrived at the park where supposedly there was some weird phenomena going on.
"So this is the location?"-Monk
"This one seems a bit odd don't you think?-John
"I know, spiritual phenomena that attacks couples''-Monk
"We have yet to determine if it is a spirit or not"-Naru
"I assume thats what we're gonna investigate huh"-Monk
"Hey Mai, if you don't mind me asking where is Yumiko? I don't see her around"-John
"She has the day off today, I think she had some school work to do as well as helping some classmates"-Mai
Mai seemed to notice a bit of disappointment in Johns face and thought that Yumi was missing an opportunity to hang out with John.
"Where's Matsuzaki?"-Masako
'I called her but I guess she must be running late''-Mai
"You know how she is she'll walk in and say something like 'this is clearly the work of an earth spirit'''-Monk said as he mocked Ayako's way of speaking.
"Wow monk that was perfect"-Mai said amused with the impersonation
Seconds later Ayako walked up and said "This is clearly the work of an earth spirit"
Mai, Monk and John stared for a second and then broke out in laughter
"Care to fill me in on whats so funny?"-Ayako
"Now that we are all here, let's begin the investigation."-Naru

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