I ~ Expected To Be Unexpected

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A/N: I'm posting this on instagram as well. The account is @/percabeth.stories

I ~ Expected To Be Unexpected

Annabeth was sure that she was doomed. Ever since her mother called her to dinner, something seemed almost ... wrong. Her father sat head of the table while Athena sat at the other end, Mathew and Bobby filling up the two seats between them while. Annabeth sat all alone at the other side.

She was used to sitting alone. It was all the talk of the castle: Annabeth Maria Chase, Daughter of Queen Athena and King Frederick of Athens, the 'Quiet Girl'. Her tutors always told her that if she should have friends besides the servants and the librarian. Of course, Annabeth had two other friends besides Piper and Hazel the maids.

Thalia and Luke. They were five years older than Annabeth yet they protected her. Like siblings, they fought sometimes but eventually made up and went on adventure together exploring the palace. Luke and Thalia have been dating for a year now after Annabeth set them up.

But I don't want to bore you with tales of their friendship.

Annabeth had been sitting at the table eating a dinner of roast pork and vegetables when her mother brought it up.

"Annabeth, dear, your father and I have something to tell you." Pausing mid-bite, Annabeth glanced at her mother.
She quickly finished chewing and swallowed before answering. "Yes?"
"I believe you've heard of our rivalry with the kingdom Olympia?" Her father asked.

Annabeth nodded. "King Poseidon and Queen Sally?"

"Yes. I have given them a proposal." Athena set her cutlery down and gave Annabeth her coldest stare. "To tie the bonds for peace, we have arranged a marriage between you and their son Perseus." It took Annabeth a moment for that to sink in. When it did, a cold fist clenched her heart.

"You're sending me away?" She demanded quietly.

"It has already been arranged." Her mother explained. "The wedding is in three days."

Annabeth put her knife and fork down forcefully. "And how long have you known without telling me?"

Athena sent Frederick a glare. Getting the signal, Frederick spoke. "A few months, but the deal was only just sealed this morning." Annabeth stood up abruptly, making the plates and cutlery on the table rattle.

"You think that just because I am now an adult you can send me away?" She asked, her voice echoing around the dining chamber. Bobby and Matthew were looking at her fearfully. Frederick and Athena kept glancing down at their plates. "Well you can't!" Then she sprinted out the room, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She made it into the royal gardens before she collapsed into a puddle of tears. Why didn't she go with Artemis when her and her hunters visited? Why would her mother send her away? Because you don't belong here. A voice said inside of her.

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