VII ~ The Wedding

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Message: Sorry if the wedding is incorrect, I've sort of mixed up ancient greek, roman and modern styles.

VII ~ The Wedding

Okay... screw that Percy wasn't nervous. The butterflies in his stomach were killing him. They were eating him up, slowing turning him into a pile of mush.

He fidgeted in his seat, about to go on. It didn't help that it was a scorching hot day, and his toga clung to his skin. Suddenly the music started and Percy stood up, before walking out to the pathway. The marriage officiant nodded his head, and Percy started down the aisle. Everyone's head swivelled to look at him, and he gave a small smile.

Once he reached the alter, the music changed. It turned quite slow and relaxing and everyone in the crowd stood up as Annabeth walked down the aisle with her father. She too looked nervous, but was still smiling. When she reached the alter, King Frederick went off to sit in his seat. Percy and Annabeth held hands and Annabeth couldn't help notice the sparks that were tingling her fingertips.

"We are gathered here today..." the officiant droned on, but all Percy could do was stare into Annabeth's beautiful grey eyes. Then he was handed a glass of wine. He took a sip, letting the liquid drain down his throat before handing it to Annabeth. She took a sip too, and then handed the cup back.

"Do you, Annabeth Daughter of Queen Athena, take Percy Son of King Poseidon to be your loyal husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Percy Son of King Poseidon, take Annabeth Daughter of Queen Athena to be your faithful wife?"

"I do."

"Then you may kiss the bride." Percy's insides tingled and fluttered as him and Annabeth leaned in. Then her lips were suddenly locked on his. They were salty, but still sweet. It lasted for a second more before he pulled away.

The crowd cheered, and Annabeth had a huge smile on her face--and so did Percy. The celebrations lasted long into the night, and at sunrise Percy and Annabeth left for their honeymoon in a carriage.

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