XVII ~ Never Letting Go

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XVII ~ Never Letting Go

It was Midnight when Percy woke up. Quietly, he snuck out of the castle and stole a horse. Then he rode off to Eria.

"Annabeth, I'm coming." He whispered to the stars as he left Olympia far behind.


Annabeth breathed in heavily. "Thalia, go get the others." She groaned.

"I'm not leaving your side." Thalia insisted.

"Please, just go get them." Annabeth pleaded, as Thalia helped her onto the bed.

"No. Something might happen."

"It takes hours to go properly into labour." Annabeth said. "Just go, I'll be fine."

"Fine." Thalia sighed, then hurried off.
Five minutes later, Hazel, Piper, Rachel and Thalia came in.

"Hey guys." Annabeth grinned.

"Annie!" Piper yawned, rubbing her eyes. "Do you have to wake me up at eight o'clock? I need my sleep!"

"You were asleep?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah. I decided to go early."

Annabeth gasped in pain. "Focus, ladies." Thalia snapped. "We have a girl who is about to go into labour, what do we do?"

"Um, I don't know..." Piper looked at the ground awkwardly.

"Maybe I can help." A voice from the door said. The girls turned around to see Reyna and a women wearing a silver circlet on her head stood.

"Lady Artemis." Thalia bowed, the other girls following.

"Patience." Artemis held up her head, then walked towards bed. "We must focus on Annabeth. We have around an hour and a half to prepare. Someone go grab some towels." Hazel hurried off. She came back with five.

"What do we do now?" She asked as she set them on the table.

"Now." Artemis sighed, pulling the velvet chair from the corner of the room up and sitting in it. "We wait."


Percy rode up to the familiar palace gates. Home. He thought. Now I can go see Annabeth...

He took the horse to the stables before entering the castle, and going up to his and Annabeth's room. What Percy didn't expect though, was the girls crowded around the bed and Annabeth screaming and groaning. "Annabeth?" He asked.

Everyone's head swivelled around to look at him. "Percy?" Thalia asked. Percy hurried up to the bed and looked down at his beautiful wife.

"Hey Wise Girl." He grinned.

"Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth gasped. Then she let out a moan of pain.

"You-you're-" Percy stumbled, staring in awe at her pregnant stomach.

"Yeah." She managed to smile. "Now help me!" Percy gripped her hand tightly, determined to never let go.

An hour later, Bianca Jackson was born. She had bright sea green eyes and black hair.

Percy climbed into the bed beside Annabeth and kissed her forehead. "You're beautiful." He whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too." Annabeth replied, kissing him on the lips.

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