XVI ~ The Return Journey

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XVI ~ The Return Journey

Percy was tired and lonely. He had been following Hephaestus' path for a week, and so far he hadn't seen Olympia's big, sea-stone castle walls.

The forest was humongous, and it reminded Percy of the one he had played in when he was little.

The horses trudged for days through the path and further into the dense bush. After another week, he finally arrived.

The guard's shocked faces forced him to laugh, and they let him in where the horses were rushed off to the stables and he was lead into his parents' Great Hall.

"Percy!" Arial, his younger sister screamed as he entered, crushing him in a hug. "You're home!"

"Son?" King Poseidon asked. When Arial pulled away, he gave Percy a small hug as well. Then Queen Sally joined in.

"Can't-breathe," Percy choked as his mother crushed his ribs.

"We were so worried! Everyone thought you were dead!" She sobbed.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked.

Sally sighed. "No one's heard from her besides Thalia and a few of her other friends. Apparently Athena tried to get her to marry again, but Annabeth ended up shoving him off a balcony." Percy chuckled.

"Can I go see her?" He asked.

"Sure. But first, you need sleep." Sally started fussing over him. A maid filled a bath up with warm water and Percy climbed in, the water soothing his tension. Then he got out and clambered into bed, ready for a good night's sleep so he could return to Annabeth in the morning.


Two weeks left. Annabeth thought miserably. Two weeks until I lose this big, annoying stomach. Thalia was always visiting now, helping Annabeth and bringing food.

She had even coaxed Annabeth outside into the Palace Gardens for an hour where they talked to Reyna and Rachel. Rachel was happy. Her father had just arranged a marriage between her and Octavian, after Reyna had quit to join Lady Artemis and her Hunters. She would be leaving the next day.
But today for some reason made Annabeth uneasy, like something was going to happen. She had gotten over crying, and would now blankly stare out the bedroom windows and unconsciously put her hands on her stomach.

It started while she was eating. Thalia had brought up a sandwich for her to devour, and she was halfway through it when the baby kicked. It wasn't like the other times it had kicked, this time it felt harder. "Oof!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Thalia asked.

"Fine." Annabeth replied, breathing heavily. But five minutes later, the baby kicked again. "Ow!"

"What's wrong?" Thalia demanded.

"The baby just kicked." Annabeth stood up. "I need some fresh air." She went and stood out on the balcony, taking in the cool afternoon air. A big forest was only steps away, and even from far away she could just see the glints of The Athens Palace.

Suddenly, water slid down her legs and splashed onto the ground. Annabeth gasped, and waddled back inside to Thalia.

"Are you okay?" Thalia asked.

"The baby's coming." Annabeth said.

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