VIII ~ Peaceful Beach Honeymoon

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WARNING: slight smut references. This chapter is full of feels and fluff!!

VIII ~ Peaceful Beach Honeymoon

The beach had glistening waves and golden sand. Stars shone above the small wooden hut at night. This may sound like paradise to you, but it wasn't for Annabeth. Sure, she hardly knew Percy, but the problem was that she just didn't trust him. He could be one of those guys who rapes his wife then cheats before divorcing her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Percy asked her softly.

"I'm fine." Annabeth replied. "Just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" She didn't reply. "I won't force you to do anything against your will." He promised.

Unconsciously, she laid her head on his chest where he was sitting on the beach looking out to sea. Annabeth shut her eyes and listened to the crashing waves slamming down on the shore.

"I don't want to." She whispered. "Not yet."

"That's okay." Percy replied. "But you realise it will happen some day."

"I know. Can we please just forget about it?"

"Okay." Percy was silent for a moment. "Do you want to go for a swim?"

"Sure." Annabeth shrugged, before sitting up. She stripped to her undergarments before running into the waves. Percy followed.

Annabeth couldn't help notice his abs. She blushed, before taking a deep breath and diving underwater. She hadn't been under for long when suddenly, strong arms snaked around her waist and brought her back up.

"Percy!" She shrieked, thrashing in the water. Percy smirked and dragged her back up the shore and placed her gently on the sand.

"Watch me." He dove back in the water and stayed under for a long time before popping back up.

"Very good Seaweed Brain." She laughed as he imitated a seal.


That night they had a candlelit dinner on the beach. The sunset was a beautiful shade of orange and gold, making Amnabeth feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Do you want to dance?" She suddenly blurted.

Percy smirked. "On a beach at sunset? Why of course." Then he stood up and offered her his hand which she took. They slow-danced for a while before either of them said anything.

"I could get used to this." Annabeth sighed, leaning into Percy's arms as they stood and watched the final rays of sunset dip beneath the horizon. "Living with you, I mean.

"You trust me?" Percy smirked.

"I don't want to lose you." Annabeth sighed, then turned around so that she faced him and leaned in so that their noses touched. "Never."

"Very well, Wise Girl." Then they kissed, and Annabeth felt something she hadn't felt in years: peace.

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