V ~ Oblivious

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A/N: Just letting you know that the wedding won't be like the stuff they have in Ancient Greece. It will still have some parts though.

V ~ Oblivious

Annabeth sighed into her pillow. After the events of the day before, she was exhausted. Then she realised that there was someone else in the room. Groaning, she sat up as the morning sunlight streamed through her window. Percy was sitting in Annabeth's chair on the other side of her room snoring. A line of drool was coming out of his mouth and landing on the floor.

Suddenly, a tiny black creature scuttled up the wall by Percy's head. Annabeth froze and started breathing quickly. "SPIDER!" She shrieked, jolting Percy awake who looked at the wall. He saw the spider and smirked as Annabeth cowered under the covers of her bed. Percy easily squashed it with his hand.

"It's gone." He said. Annabeth peeked out from underneath the covers. When she saw it was dead, she relaxed and fell back onto her pillows. "Morning." Percy grinned.

Annabeth looked at him. "Did you know that you drool in your sleep?" His grin faltered.

"You're scared of spiders." He shot back. Annabeth put her face in her hands.

"Well played, Seaweed Brain." She muttered before grabbing a grey dress from her wardrobe and walking into the bathroom. But not before leaning down and kissing his cheek, of course.

Six hours later...

"Bye!" Annabeth called, waving to the retreating carriage as it rode back to Olympia. She sighed as the thought that she would be leaving the same path to Olympia in a few hours time came into her mind.

Hesitantly, she walked back into the palace. The moment she walked in, Thalia, Hazel and Piper bombed her. They jumped out, seized her arms and dragged her into a spare room.

"Okay, spill." Thalia demanded. Annabeth sighed and sat down on the hard floor, her friends following suit.

"I'm leaving in a few hours." She started. "Tomorrow I get handed over to the prince of Olympia and we will get married."

Thalia eagerly leaned forwards. "There's been gossip going around that you two had lunch together.

"Yes." Annabeth groaned. "We had a picnic."

"Did you 'sleep' together?" Piper asked teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows.

Heat rose on Annabeth's cheeks. "No! But if he's one of those kind of boys, then I'm running away."

"Oh come on Annabeth." Hazel chided. "Maybe Prince Percy will be kind. You won't be pressured into doing anything." She put lots of emphasis on 'doing'.

Annabeth snorted. "I doubt it. He just seems too perfect to be true. There's got to be some flaws." The girls discussed more things before they went back to work.

Two hours later, Annabeth bordered the carriage. All of her bags were stored in the back, the only other passengers was her mother. Athena smiled encouragingly at her.

"Goodbye." She whispered to the retreating castle.

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