chapter 25

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(Your POV)

It's almost time, Lovino would be coming in again, I hope he will explain what happened last time he visited.  He really can be confusing sometimes,  one day he will be happy to see me, the next he will be cussing me out. I don't know why but he is just an emotional rollercoaster every time he visits.  I wonder what drama he will bring me today, will he complain about Antonio again? I laugh to myself as I think of all the times Romano had complained about how the "tomato bastard" would never properly take care of him as a kid.
"....and then this bird kept chirping it's stupid head off and I just got so angry! It was like the bastard was laughing at me!"
I had laughed at this and had rested  my head on  his shoulders, barely able to sit up.
"Hahaha! Lovi, how come you always mention this when I ask how Antonio is doing? It's not like I have herd this story all the thousands of times you have told it to me hehe." I look at him and nuzzle my  head in the crook of his neck. He smelled like the tomato fields he complained so much about. He was so sweet, if only people saw him the way I did.

(Feliciano's POV)

"Fratello? Why are you here?" I look at him, his head was down and he looked like I had hit him or something.

"Lovi? Is something wrong?" He looks up and his eyes has a small glint of some emotion I can't pick up on yet.

"Is something wrong?! Everything is wrong! Why can't you just learn to stop, you huge oblivious bastard!?" He storms out in a hurry and I am left in the gift shop, the clerk staring wide eyed.

"Lovi! Wait, come back!" I follow him and start to really think of why he is here.

Why is he here? Why won't he tell me why he is here? Lovi why won't you just open up to me?

I grow slightly irritated with following him so I find it a bit relieving. I hear him talking to someone inside the room he let me find, I look through the slightly dirty window to the room and hold back a small gasp. There should was, (Y/N), oh my lord! What has happened to her?!

I barge in, not caring what Lovino felt right now, because I have found her.

(Your POV)

Lovi bursts in the door in a fiery rage, he started to pace a bit mumbling ,what I have come to conclusion as, Italian swear words. I start to sit up and smile but before I could even fully get up the door opens again, I look at him. After what seems like an eternity, there he is.

"F-Feli? " I didn't realise I was crying untill I saw the blue hospital sheets start to become a splattered dark violent.

He runs to me and holds me close in his arms. All I hear is the sound of Feli whispering sweet nothings in my ear and a loud audible door slam. I pull away from Italy still in pure shock, how did he get here? Wasn't he in some kind of German house arrest? 

He looks at my , most likely, flushed face and wipes a few tears with his thumb. 

"'s alright bella. " I smile and can't control my tears anymore, I break in a full our sob, I had not thought I would never hear him ever again. His sweet voice that drives me wild, his eyes, they seem to be more vibrant than ever. Those eyes that I missed getting lost in, they seemed to be getting closer every second. I did not realise the distance between us untill he closed his eyes and molded his lips to mine. The kiss was so soft and sweet, he had a slight taste of pasta and wine. I was still in shock and excitement but I later started to kiss back, wrapping my frail weak arms around his strong supporting shoulders. He smiled in the kiss and I felt like the whole world had stopped spinning,  everything had stopped and there was only this moment and this moment only occurring in the still planet. The moment ,sadly, didn't last ,and we had to pull away before one of us passed out due to lack of oxygen.  I look into those same eyes I had looked into many years ago, those eyes that mesmerized, hypnotized, me. He was radiating pure happiness in that single moment and and I believe that I was too. This was too good to be real yet there he was, holding me in his arms. He has been worried about me, asked how I got here and what had happened. I explained everything to him, he had listened and stroked my (length) (Hair Color) locks behind my ear. Everything was right in the world,  for once everything turned out the way I wanted it to end.

(Lovino's POV)

That bastard, how dare he follow me and take my (Y/N) from me?! I have been with her here since the begining ,and when Mr. Perfect walks in she is all over him! You know what, I'm done! I am just done! I have had enough, it's time to stick up for myself. It's time to be number one, I have been his side kick for far too long. I am older than him, I can do things, yeah I can get her! Feli won't win this time around, I wont let him!

The clerk at the gift shop waved a goodbye to me, I wave back to her.

"Hey, where are you going? Visiting hours aren't over yet, you still have half an hour."  I take in a long breath and I look her dead in the eyes and said.

"A half an hour is not good enough for me anymore, I have become greedy. I want her to myself and no one else, now excuse me but I have to return an item."

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