chapter 20

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Why was he not here? Did I do something to prevent him from coming? Is he mad at me, I hope he isn't ....

"He's-......he's somewhere....."

Romano frowns.

"Look I wasn't trying to make you sad...I'm sorry, please stop crying. .."

I didn't know that I could be hurt that easily. Am I weak? No, I'm the great country (Y/N), I am not weak. Am I?

I wipe my eyes fast and look to the rose, it was still glistening from the damp dew. It looked so beautiful, like it usually does, but something just seemed off about it.

" Lovino, its ok. Stop making making me feel so handicapped hehe. The rose is just too pretty for a living person, are you planning to kill me? Hehe." I joke with him. He seems to smile a bit and break his tough guy act.

"Maybe bella!" He walks closer to me and puts the rose on my stomach, I fall back and cross my arms. I shut my eyes and smile.

"Do I look good?"

"For a dead person you sure do talk a lot, and yeah you look good enough."

Enough?! I chuckle and get back up, red from laughter.  My eyes are still shut but I can basically sense his smirk.

" So are you a ghost now? Haunting me for the devious act of beating you with a (F/C) rose hehe."

"YES! BOO!" I open my eyes to meet face to face with a very close lovino. I blush a very bright red.

"L-Lovino?  W-what are y-you doing?"

(A/N: Im so sorry its another short chapter but I am kinda busy with school. I started high school and Im loving it! :) yeah so till next time, catch you on the flip side)

Hetalia (Italy x Reader) a not so simple beginningWhere stories live. Discover now