Chapter 16

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(2p Italy's POV)

"Will you fucking hurry up, I know the allies are also after him!" Luciano barked at his two other 'companions'. Italy was on everyone's mind and all because they want to bring me down, ha like that would happen. We are connected but not in our life spans, that idiot Japan told them this rumor under my order just so I could get that excuse that is my 1p. Oh I can just hear his pitiful cried for his precious Germany, Just to be on the safe side I should kill him before he goes and does something rash.

"I t-think this is ,um the place......." Lutz older brother drove us here, I really have no idea weather to trust this little shit or not. Whatever at least I will have killed someone.

I look out my window to see two very different houses across from one another, one was more modern and the other looked excluded into dark forest. I know that my idiot self is a huge baby but he has style, even though it is excluded it still looks better than the other place. Probably neighbors. I should kill them too, so much work in so little time. I should take my gun just to get this done faster than usual.

"Open the door ass hat! I don't have all day." I pull myself to the front seat and punch that son of a bitch, Lutz. He better move his lazy ass and just unlock the back door of this shitty van before I lose my patience with him,again, and slit his wrists, and gouge out his eyeballs for meat balls in my pasta! Lazy ass dick face.

~le time skip brought to you by "who gives a fuck"~

Wow this chick is pretty hot, probably a whore. Whatever, maybe if she doesn't die today we can hook up later. She did kinda get in the way of my very tight schedule , should fuck her now .........or I could sell her for some extra cash. Money never hurt me so yeah, fuck another girl later, sell this one.

(Your POV) 

I. am. going. to. kill. this. mother. fucker.

"YOU WERE THE DOUCHE BAG THAT GAVE ME TO THOSE, THOSE MONSTERS!" I yell in his already pissed face, not knowing the extent to his violence. He twirls his knife in his gloved hands and snarls at me, shit what have I done? Fuck it, just keep this up and you will be dead, (Y/N), is that what you want?! I don't want to die! Then get your act together and kill him before he kills you! ...........I'm an idiot.......

"Oh now you are really going to die, bitch!" He runs up to me and stabs his sharp knife in my left thigh. He wont move his hand from that spot, oh no don't, he twists the knife. I howl in pain, I bet everyone in the house can hear me, he lets go of the knife but leaves it in my leg.

" Now, you are going to behave, or else that knife will be much higher and deeper. I am going to kill you, but lets have some 'fun' in the mean time." He smirks and leaves me in pained tears hidden in the dark.

Hetalia (Italy x Reader) a not so simple beginningWhere stories live. Discover now