Chapter 14

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I can't believe I let myself get captured again, this is not like me at all. I'm not some lame ass princess that needs to be saved all the time, being a helpless girl is a typical steryotype for horrible lame ass characters in a dumb fanfiction. This sucks so much, more blind folds and hands and feet bound by tight, skin ripping, ropes. I can't even comprehend what goes on in these kidnappers minds, what makes me, a (age)year old girl, so valuable? Why do they come after me, it's clear they are only after Feli, so why come after me?

The car ride is long and silent, I sway slightly as the cabbie and his henchman drive. My eyes droop behind the blind fold and I drift into another dark dreamless sleep. 

" Vhat do ve do vith the frau? Hehe she is actualy quiet cute." I hear a loud smack and grunt of pain when I wake, did I just hear that correctly? What the heck?! The potato bastard thinks I'm cute, I'll show him cute when my boot is planted deeply in him german ass.

" If you~a touch her I'll literaly kill you, bastardo. She belongs to me" I don't belong to anyone! Who the hell does that idiot think he is, calling me as if I were some object that can be owned. I rather be dead than "belong" to anyone. How dare this man say such horrible things about me, (country), he will pay for making such a fool out of me! 

I feel the blind fold be pulled back and come off. I am greeted with a dim room, finally no one here has a grudge against my eyes. The room is quite large and is emiting the same smell from the cafe, it is overwhelming and it's feels like a punch to the gut. My throat clenches and I find it hard the breathe, the smell is urging me to vomit. Now they are out to get my nose, I don't have time for this crap. My (f/c) scarf is being used as my restrains, whoever tied me didn't do a good job of it.  I'm guessing it was......Germany?

I pull the scarf off eaily and with little to no sound, thank gog.

"If my 1p wants her he is going to have to take her...." he pets my head and I jump slightly, giving away my cover. Damn it! 

"Nice try bella, but I'm not as stupid as my weaker self." He grabs me by my hair and brings my head up to the others. Japan, Germany, and Italy all stand beside me grining. What the hoy hell do all these 2p's want with me!? Iatly,2p Italy, leaned down and very close to my face smirking at my shocked and slightly pissed off expression.

"No wounder my 1p obsseses over you." his eyes linger on my face and just as I feel lik I am about to punch this idiot in the face, he lets go of my head and tie me back up that basta- wait, did he say that Feli obssesed over me!? D-Does Feli have feelings for me!?!? 

My head is spinning and the smell is making it pound.....I feel dizzy.Shit. I  feel everything come out as I let the chunks fly. This sucks. I hear them laughing at my weakened state and leave me. 

Well I guess if I die now I will know that my love feels the same for me.....

Hetalia (Italy x Reader) a not so simple beginningWhere stories live. Discover now