chapter 2

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It started as a normal day in the allied forces H.Q. The day started with strong coffee, small chat with you allies, a few meetings , and a small break. I was on my break in the lobby ,like one you would find in a elegant 5 star hotel. I was sitting alone on a loves seat with my legs on the other cusion scetching the terrain. It was quiet and nice. I was listening to blaring music on my ipod ,getting lost in the sound,  at the time I couldn't hear the sirens ,but I felt very uneasy. The coffee maker had caught fire and America ,of all people, decided to be the "hero" and tried to put it out with a curtain.....the fire spread quickly.
Everyone had been evacuated but me, and what am I doing? I am still drawing until I smell smoke and my eyes start to burn, thats when I panic.

The memories flood back into my mind of the great roaring fire. I currently am in my home painting those amber-ific eyes. Those orbs have been my muse for years after the accident ,and when I dont pay close attention I find myself doodling them all over my reports.

Those eyes that saved me
I ran. Ran faster than I have ever ran in my entire life, but it was pointless I had already been surrounded by the enemy of heat. Stinging tears stream down my hopeless face and I fall ,beaten.

I'm supposed to be filling out papers right now, God why can't I do just one simple task?

I thought as I bear my (e/c) eyes on the boringly long paper work, that seemed to go on forever. Just pick up the pen.
I lost all conciousness after that and I dont know what happend. All that I know is that when I awoke ,I was in a hospital with those same gorgeous eyes staring down in mine. He looked down on me on the brink of tears.

I dont know how ,but now I am face down on the floor. Screw work! I can get it done tomorrow. Being the country of (insert country) takes alot of work, I hardley have anytime to do anything. Well might as well walk around the house doing nothing while I procrastinate.

Well now I have something to do, finally I get to eat. I made myself a platter of (food) and it only overcooked for a minute or two. As I take my first bite tasting the seemingly delectible food, I check my phone to see if anyone called. 

"*cough* Bluh! this tastes horrible!" I spat out the treat noting that I make comes out right ,I'm worse than England when it comes to food. I'm a horrible cook and should never try to make anything for myself again.

I got back to my work desk and acctualy started my work only to be rudely interupted by a loud door bell. Great.

I swing open the door to reveal a long time friend of mine, Japan.

"Oh. Hey kiku." you say as you do a little bow you learned in a japanese edicute class that everyone had to take.

"Hello _____~chan" he gives me a slight smile as I let him in taking his coat.

"So what brings you here ,friend?" I smile back hannging the coat somewhere. It's very unusual for me to have visitors , so I have no idea what else to ask him! Man I am so awkward

"I came over to bring you notes from the meeting. It is not very much ,but it would be nice if you looked them over."

"thank you japan. um....would you like a.....drink?"

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