chapter 12

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Home is still boring, but feels less like home. The once conforting walls now feel sickening and edgy. Too much has happened in the past few days, getting kidnapped, threatened, beaten, and god knows what when I was passed out. It feels too harsh to be my life, I have never witnessed anything as awful as this before. I could have died in there, if not for Feli I would be found dead, alone in my estate, on my kitchen floor. My own blood staining the white marble like tile, coating my final piece of art in this house. My blood, the blood of many (enter country)'s innocent people. If I were to die my country would die along side with me, leaving nothing but ash and disregarded memories of peoples past. That is why I must be careful and always keep a heavy shell around me, if I let anyone get too close, they could break me. It's scary how fragile we can become if you let people get to you. I probably should have stopped talking, or even thinking, about the cute Italian. All he could do is hurt me, and I don't want to go down just yet, he could hurt my emotional state. Who am I kidding, he already has done that, I have never felt so alive ever in my life as I did that moment. The short lived visits and even now falling with him, has made me feel so young and free. I hate to feel restrained, hiding any and all emotion from so many people just because I am afraid of getting hurt. I should let it all go and say 'screw it, I am me and that is great, I should be me again for the rest of my life'.

The bedroom looks just the way I left it, unclean and unorganized. Clothes littered the ground to the point to where I couldn't see the wooden slabs, paintbrushes and oils are everywhere. Uhh great now I have to clean this shit up. I bend down to get the dust pan and broom I always keep by my vanity, I suddenly feel so exhausted. I stare at the messy pile of sheets, pillows, and blankets. The bed casting it's spell of dreams and curses of drowsiness. I can't help but be enveloped and devoted to get to the bed letting it ensnare me in it soft clutch. Black is invading my sight and my eyelids feel like cement as I slowly doze off into a peaceful sleep.

I awake a few hours later, about 7:30pm, and I feel my stomach growl. It churns and moans, begging to get some attention that it desperately needs. I feel empty, a diet of water and dirt for a few weeks is not as pleasant as it sounds. My laziness is kicking in again, the bed has a strong hold of me and just won't let its nabby hands set me free. I pick up my phone off the side table and look at my contacts........No missed calls, No new text messages, nothing. Absolutely nothing. I look at my contacts again and look for someone who can come over and make me some food.

I decided to call up a old friend, Hungary, she is a good cook and doesn't hate my guts right now. The perfect company.

"So um.....Hungary, how is Italy doing.....after the....incident?" I just can't help but ask her, she is one of the only people Germany has allowed to go see him. I don't see what the point is of holding all these people, who deeply care about him, back. It's dumb and ignorant, if he thinks that only certain people are allowed in his presence. Insufferable Prick.

"He has been getting better, he is eating again and now he won't shut up about cats. He seems to have repressed it deep into the back of his mind." She seems so calm as she says this, I should not worry, he is fine without me. It is scary to think of him alone again......Germany won't let him out of his sight for a couple centuries. Great, simply perfect, Germany is now Feli's babysitter for the rest of his life. Insufferable Prick.

"Oi! Frog face! yeah you, you insufferable prick! You took my bloody blah blah blah....." Seriously these two can fight forever over silly little things, what ass holes.

" 'Ey Arthur, I 'ave no idea what you want, but if it's another fight count me in ,black sheep!" Great not this again, about a month has passed since the world flipped, and we still haven't found Oliver or Al, but we know they are still out there, plotting. I have no idea what goes through the mind of a mental baker and his douche bag side kick, but whatever it is we are ready for it. They couldn't get to us even if they tried, the buildings and estates are now heavily guarded and armed for an assault. I am back in the first world conference since the re-appeared, Feli is missing. He is not missing, but absent from the conference. His older brother is there to take notes for him though......and he is asleep, drooling allowed his and his brothers papers. Well I.guess I could write them fo- No! Not again, stay away from him, stay far far away from Feli and everything will be okay.

The meeting is over and I see Romano getting up wiping some drool from his face as I tap him from behind on his shoulder.

"What do you want, I already told you Spain, not till we get home- oh ragazza, wh- what is it?" he blushes intensly as I show him the notes explaining him to give them to Feli and make him do some of his work this week. He stares at me in confusion as I dismiss it and walk out of the conference house and into my car driving home. Home....

Hetalia (Italy x Reader) a not so simple beginningWhere stories live. Discover now