Chapter 15

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(A/N: there will be a certain reference to an old film and I want to see who will get this right! good luck, oh and there will be numerous references from this film in this chapter! now back to the chapter.)

Great Scott, it is like I am glued to the spot.....alone again, well I should say like always, and bound, yet again, to another uncomfortable chair. The room has a deathly seance of danger but I cant help but be sort of used to it. The feeling of being scared have left me entirely, that is how far gone I have let myself slip away. Emotionless and still in the dark.

"M-mommy.......I'm scared." I yelled at a blank room my butler had occupied, tears streaming down my young eyes. I stand behind the door, mommy gets mad when I come into his room without permission. I guess he herd me, he switched the lone lamp in his room, my eyes adjusting to the sudden light as I hear his soft slipered feet walk to me. He crouches down and pats my head, his hands soft and manicured, elegant yet strong, his eyes in soft yet dangerous angles, thin figure under his black feminine night clothes. He really was a strange man, dressed like a girl and called himself one, but I never questioned it.

" What is it deary? Did you wet the bed again (y/n)?" He asks with a worried face and when he sees that I wont be answering anytime soon he grabs me and brings me in a tight hug. 

"I cant let you sleep in here today my sweet, the man I found last week needs mommy's" He smiles and turns to his bed where a blonde idiot lays, smiling back. Mommy laughs and looks back to me with the same worried face, he looks so funny with the curlers in his medium long black hair, I cant help but smile and giggle in response.

" Okay mommy.....but....can you help with something?" I ask with my hopes showing on my soft (skin colored) face. He smiles and nods making me full out grin as I grab his hand and pull him out of the room. He is caught off guard and almost falls on me as I drag him to my room on the other side of his huge Transylvania set castle, he quickly regains his elegance and follows me. 

I keep looking behind my back, swearing I had seen numerous monsters and frights hiding in the shadows . We finally reach my room and I show him my small nightlight had gone out, he looks into my eyes with his understanding ones and replaces the bulb.

" I will replace the cause of your frights, but not the symptoms, sweetie." 

I rest my head on my shoulder and and hum the song my 'mommy' used to always sing when poor fools came around looking for service. I get around the chorus and decide to sing my frights away.

"Just a sweet transvestite, from transsexual Transylvania!" I giggle at the thought of my old butler, it is truly sad what happened to him. After moving out I herd he was murdered by some of the fellow people of the house, I left the place to him in my name and......well it didn't last long. I really saw him as one of the only people I ever found the courage to love, I don't know he just has something about him that seemed so attractive and luring. Kinda like Feli.....I wounder where he is.

I hear the door swing open and squeal as I see the 2p I defiantly hate the most now, Italy.

" You have a lovely voice, (y/n), I am only concerned with the lyrics.." he looks down to my (f/c) pants and smirks, he walks down the stairs swiftly like an agile cat, agonizingly slow. 

 What a tease.

"Fuck off......" My anger bubbles inside me and I just cant contain it. He reaches me and shines a light in my eyes. Now there's a light, sarcasm, my prayers have been answerd, I have a light now shinning in my ,now partly blind, eyes. He grabs me by my neck and comes too close for my comfort.

" Hehe, Oh I will very soon Bella, I just need to know where my weaker self is, then we can start the fun." he smirks at me and kisses me, I don't kiss back and instead bite his lip, hard. He draws back from the some what intimate moment and feels his metallic red drip from his now swelling lip. He glares at me, if only looks could kill, and draws a small dagger from his pocket........Oh my fucking God! It's the same guy who kidnapped me, this guy is the whole reason why I am a target. Now I will definitely find a way to get out and kill this guy.

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