Chapter 22

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Readers POV:

..Lovino Vargas....

What am I to him?  What am I to his brother? Damn it brain. I seriously don't know how to deal with you. Well for starters you should try and kill yourself to get rid of me.

HA! Nice try suicidal thoughts, you can't control me anymore. Oh really? I think I can and did, why do you think you could survive that fall or that crash? Oh, that's right, you didn't.  I knew I would survive! Of course I would survive, why.....wouldn't I? DAMN IT STOP SCREWING WITH ME!

I silently fight myself as I slowly drift to a dreamless sleep.
Wake up.

"Huh?"  I slowly sit up and look to my clock, I had overslept again and missed my physical therapy appointments.  I sigh loudly and lay on my side, I notice a very bright red rose on the bed tray and a small box. There is a small not attached to it, I take it cautiously,  something about this box just gives me the chills.

It read, dearest (Y/N),
I see you have escaped and that makes me very very upset . You even hurt one of my loyal employees, well I am not one to take things like this very lightly and well hehe you should know that by now.
You know who.~ ♡
Ciao bella.

I throw the note in disgust along with the rose and I approach the box with the feeling of chills growing more and more the closer I got. It reaked of something awful and I stare at the lid, it was littered with ,I could only guess, small drops of blood.

"Shit.....what did that sick bastard do now?" I slowly open the box to see an object wrapped in, now blood stained, purple tissue paper. I unwrap it's contents and scream loudly, tears streaming my face as I look down and see a plate of pasta of and a pair of eyes that I know all too well. The same eyes that would brighten up as he would come to see me and visit. The same eyes that would show all the emotion of an angry Italian with a side of fingers. The same fingers that would hand me my fake rose that he would always buy, I cry and wail loudly. How could they do this?! How could he, he's a monster, An absolute monster!

Another note was on the side and it took so much will power not to just throw it away and burn the box.
I hope you find my cooking hehe quiet delectable.  If you even think about any other guy besides me, this will not be the last plate I send you.
Enjoy spaghetti and eyeballs bitch.
(More short characters but whatever hahahaaa I did not intended for this to happen I just had a random surge of creativity and then this happened. Poor Lovi, ;^; sorry for this guys but it gets better.

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