{Sexy leather pants} Dick Grayson X Assassin Reader X Jason Todd

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I know I said I wasn't taking requests anymore, but I got this one a while back and decided I really wanted to do it.

You said you wanted a threesome between Dick, Jason, and Y\N here it is. Fandoms--Unlimited

You had one goal for tonight. To lay Dick Grayson. In a coffin. As in kill him. You were not planning to hook up with him in a coffin.
But then the train of thought started, could you even? Was it possible? Was there enough room in there?

'No!' You said to yourself, 'stop having silly thoughts. Of course, there wouldn't be enough room.'

Or would there? You pulled your phone from your clutch and were halfway through googling it when you realized how irreverent this was.

You tucked your phone back in your butt pocket, but then realized you didn't have pockets.
You'd spent your last paycheck on getting sexy leather pants. They had no pockets. But they looked so good!
As it turned out. It was a formal event and you were supposed to knock him off and then disappear into the crowd. So you had to wear a dress. but you wore them underneath because you'd spend 300 bucks on these things and you were not going to just not wear them because it was inconvenient.
Sure, they might not have been breathable or flexible, but they made your butt look incredible. Besides, they held you back no more than your ex. Thankfully your pants wouldn't leave you for a better-looking girl. You hoped. No, they couldn't leave you for a better-looking girl, they couldn't fit a better-looking girl. That's another reason you invested in getting sexy leather pants they are exceptionally loyal companions. Unlike Eliot.
Besides, every hired killer needed sexy leather pants, and to know whether or not you can have intercourse in a casket. You pressed search.
Google had no answer, but you did now know you had to set a budget before buying one, as they could cost into the thousands, and sometimes the grief of having lost a loved one can impair judgment.

You decided not to worry about your phone, you could buy a new one after tonight. You flung it over your shoulder and opened your clutch to take out some gum as it landed on an unsuspecting passerby.
Looking in the mirror you saw an elderly man laying on the floor with your phone in pieces next to him.
I guess Mr. Jones (your mystery client) will just get one kill for free.

You spotted your target in a crowd of people.
Coming closer you reach into your skirt for the knife when your arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. Looking up you saw a man with dark hair and green eyes, the target's younger brother, Jason Todd.

Had he seen the dagger? Why had he singled you out?
At any rate, you needed to avert suspicion.

You decided to use your lighting speed intelligence you prided yourself upon, "nice weather we're having."

"Excuse me, I'm Jason Todd, the birthday boy's adopted brother, how do know him?" He asked, he smiled, but you could tell he wasn't sincere.

It took you only a moment to come back with a response-you'd been expecting someone to ask, so you practiced in the mirror before they told you you had to leave the changing room-you looked him dead in the eye and casually responded, "I went to school with him, we dated for a bit, but ended up breaking up, we're still friends though."

"Oh really, then he'd definitely remember you. Why don't we go over and tell him happy birthday?" He said, guiding you towards him.

You quickly shoved his hand off your arm, "he looks busy, I'll tell him later." You hurried away or did your best to hurry in your tight leather pants.

You shut yourself in the bathroom, you needed a disguise and a new plan.
Your legs were uncomfortably hot.
Just then an old woman wearing a blond wig walked in.

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