{The king's chamber} Damian Al Ghul X Clever Reader {Part 2}

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The next day her two elder sisters set off together in their Sunday best to see if they could happen upon the two men Damian had come with again. After they had been gone for many hours, Y\N became very worried as to what had happened to them and set off the find them.

She found them by a wall trying to climb over but they were only tall enough to see over.

"What are you doing?" Y\N asked, coming nearer.

"We've found a garden with such lovey medlars, and we wish to pick a few, but we can't get over this wall." The younger cried as they went tumbling down again.

"What are medlars?" Y\N asked.

"We aren't quite sure." The older one admitted a bit shyly.

"But that is why we're so desperate to have some!" The younger one announced proudly. "How else are we to improve our minds?"

She wished to tell them of reading but seeing they were quite set in their ways and knowing how dangerous it was to be so close to the encampment she said she would be the one to get the fruit. She was helped over the wall by both and a rope, (for one was always carrying a rope, though no one, even her, was quite sure why) was put over after her so she might climb back.

She hurriedly picked some brown fruits off a tree which she didn't know but when she asked them to bring her up, they begged her to get some lemons as well.

But as she was going to get some, the gardener caught hold of her, "you thief, what a fool you are to think you would get away with stealing from assassins, now you will pay for your crimes!" He said, drawing his sword, for he too was a ninja.

Y\N only responded, "don't call me names or you shall have the worse of it." And with those final words she gave him a shove and disappeared over the wall.

Her sisters, though greatly disappointed at the lack of lemons, as they had none left after last night, thanked her for the medlars before they all left hurriedly.

The following day her eldest sister desperately wanted bananas and though Y\N had sworn she would never do such a thing again. Yielded when she saw they were set to do it anyway. They told her they had heard the gardener wasn't working today and thus there would be no risk of being caught.

Little did they know the assassin they had heard this from, one of the men from the other night who had returned to visit the elder had been instructed to say this by Damian.

So when she came down this time she was met by Damian himself, who said to her, "here you are again cunning one! Now you will pay for your thievery!"

"You were the careless woman who was foolishly running about with a bag on your head!"


"And then you tried to make a fool of me!"

"I did make a fool of you."

"And you stole my fruit!"


"And tried it again!"

"I'm a very confident kinda lass."

He ran his fingers through his hair so enraged by her actions and the fact she was so shameless as to not even try to deny it all.

"Follow me to the house! There you will pay for your misdeeds!" He demanded.

As he spoke, he started for the house, looking back from time to time to make sure that Y\N had not run away. All of a sudden, when he glanced round, he found she had vanished completely, without leaving a trace of where she had gone.

Everywhere was searched, but she could not be found, this so vexed Damian that he became extremely ill and stayed that way for many months and his survival was very much unsure.

At this time the two ninjas had married her older sisters and they now had lovely daughters of their own.

One day Y\N crept into her sister's home and stole away their children, putting them in a large basket covered fully in flowers so that no one would ever expect there to be children inside.

Then she dressed as a boy and when outside the palace and cried, "Who will carry these flowers to the demon's head, who lies sick of love?"

Damian, becoming quite annoyed at this, ordered one of his servants to go down and get the basket. Lifting the lid he awoke the babies and they began to wail. This new trick he felt had been played on him by Y\N filled him with fury and he ordered for them to be taken away.

Now it came to pass that their father returned, not having found how to make environmentally safe toothbrushes, but having found a new unethical supplier nonetheless. He was deeply upset though to find when he returned that though they had promised nothing would happen while he was gone his two eldest daughters had married and had children, and Y\N had even betrayed him by giving them away all while he was gone.

Damian hearing the merchant had returned demanded he brings him his youngest daughter at once. This upset him greatly as he loved Y\N most out of all his daughters and didn't wish for her to have to face the consequences of her actions, for he knew her heart to be very wicked at times. But if he wished to ever meet his grandchildren he would have to.

But Y\N said to her father, "Don't fear, only have a doll of me made with a string that I might pull for it to nod yes and no."

So he did as she asked.

And Damian told his men, "if a man should come with his daughter take her to my chamber and lock her there until I come. And make sure she doesn't escape."

So they did as they were told and when she came they ushered her into the room and locked her inside. Y\N, who had concealed the doll in her cloak, now set it on the bed and hid underneath with the string tightly in hand.

He entered shortly, "so you are Y\N."

She pulled the string and the doll nodded.

"Now we will reckon up accounts," continued he, and he began at the beginning and ended up with the flower basket, and at each fresh misdeed, Y\N pulled the string, so that the doll's head nodded.

"You will not get away with making a mockery on the demon's head!" he declared when he had ended, and drawing his sword.

She shook her head. And he cut off the doll's head.

The head rolled to his feet and feeling what he had done, and regretted taking her life he said, "beloved Y\N a thousand men I have slain never have I felt as this." He was so distraught he didn't even notice blood hadn't covered the floor as it usually did, and he began to cry.

He was about to turn his sword on himself when the true Y\N came from under the bed and flung herself at him.

"It's called a conscience," she said as they tumbled to the ground, "welcome to humanity." And with that she took his face in her hands and kissed him.

They were married and lived happily with much less discord from that day onward. She never again drove him to illness with frustration, and he never again tried to decapitate her.
He returned her nieces and her father gave them a wedding gift of a thousand toothbrushes, (which was all he could afford) that would have made Ra's smile if he had still been alive.

If you liked the story please let me know. Preferably through a comment. I really like comments.

The ending is a little wonk, as are a few spots throughout the story, but that's how it goes when you try to stick to source material that is over a hundred years old. Still my favorite out of the bunch.

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