{Looking for you} Tim Drake X Lonely Reader

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In this Tim Drake has a younger sister.

It was the 14th of February, Valentine's Day, and I Y/N Y/L, was still painfully single. It wasn't like I hadn't tried, but no one seemed to click.
I sighed and slipped on an oversized hoodie, and went to the nearest store to buy out their remaining chocolate.
After grabbing all the candy I could carry in my arms I made my way to check out. The check-out woman looked at all of the candy, then at my hoodie, I felt she was silently judging me.

I rubbed my arm and swayed side to side, just then a little girl wearing a lemon print shirt ran up, "Hello miss." She said, looking up at me with her big blue/green eyes, "I seem to have misplaced my brother, could you help me find him please?"

I grabbed my bag and paid the woman at the counter.

"Um..." I tried to think of a way out of this, "I'm actually really, bus-" Her pupils seemed to grow three times their original size. I sighed, saying no had never been a strong side of mine, "I'm going to guess he looks like you?"

"Actually we're both adopted." She smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Joy," I whispered under my breath, we walked down an aisle. "How does he look?"

"He has dark hair." The young girl said, she clearly doesn't realize that is the world's most popular hair color. I thought to myself.

A boy with black hair, and blue eyes, looked completely mortified like he had just lost the payments for a loan shark somewhere, he disappeared down another aisle.

"Did your brother have blue eyes by any chance?" I ask as we go down a different aisle.

"Yeah! And he was wearing a green long sleeve shirt with stripes. And he doesn't wear glasses." She smiled.

"How old is he approximately?" I asked her, looking down at her.

"Um, he's really old." She splayed out her fingers, then sat on the floor, removing her shoes. "One footy, two hands, and one toe. So..." She shut her eyes, "16."

"Okay, I think I just saw him." I grabbed her hand and began pulling her down the aisle after the blue-eyed boy.

"Wait! I don't have my shoes on yet!" She exclaimed, picking them up in one hand.

I spotted him walking through the doors with a small bag, "No time!" I exclaimed, lifting her off her feet I hurried after him.

Coming around the corner, I caught a glimpse of his red sweater a moment before he disappeared down an alleyway.

"Hey man wait up! I have your sister!" I explained, racing around the corner only to find it an empty alley.

I sighed, but then a shadow crept along the wall from behind, and the person came closer at a steady speed. They seemed to be holding something in their hand. I began walking forward, and it followed behind me for a few minutes. I realized I was being followed, so I decided to cross the street. So I did, when I got to the end of the alley I quickly ran across the street. I began panting at this point, this girl was starting to feel heavier by the minute.

"Wait why am I still carrying you?" I questioned through hurried pants.

"I dunno." She shrugged and I set her down.

Then I saw the same shadowy figure, coming down the street.

"Um, hey kid, I don't believe I ever got a name," I said, the figure was still a ways back, but they were definitely coming right for us.

"Miranda." She peeped out, "Like the Miranda rights!"

"Okay, Miranda Wright. I hope you're good at running." I said, grabbing her hand, I began running away from the silhouette again.

"Wait! Why are we running?" She asked, surprisingly keeping up with me easily.

The figure that had been stalking behind us burst out into a full-fledged run, racing after us. As they came more into view, I could see it was a boy in a dark hooded sweatshirt, moments later I face-planted into the sidewalk, as he lunged forward knocking me to the ground.
I groaned, this wasn't my idea of a fun Valentine's Day.

The little girl seemed surprisingly happy despite all this, "TIM!" She exclaimed, jumping onto the boy on top of my back. I let out another pained sound, "I was-- trying to help-- fin-- d- you!" I let out between gasps for air.

He stood up and apologized. Suddenly Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin dropped in front of me.

"We got your call, what do you mean, you lost Miranda!?" The short boy in the colorful suit demanded.

His eyes shot towards the little girl.

"Miranda!" Robin exclaimed, "I thought Drake had lost you!" The young girl ran over to the boy and he tucked her under his cloak. "Mr. Wayne wouldn't have been happy if you lost his only daughter."

They exchanged glares.

"Wayne!? I thought you said your name was Wright!" I questioned, thoroughly confused at this point.

"Sooo, you wouldn't happen to have a date for tonight right?" Miranda asked, peeking out from behind Robin's cape.

"Um actually..." I tried to think of a response that wouldn't make me seem like a total loser.

"Great! You're painfully single too! You can be Timmy's date tonight!" She cheered as if my loneliness was a good thing.

"How do you know she doesn't already have a date for tonight?" Tim asked, crossing his arms and looking down at me.

"Because Tim, she was at a supermarket, at 3:00 on Valentine's day, buying out all the chocolate, dressed in yoga pants and an oversized hoodie that clearly states on the front, "forever alone". Now I ask you, Timothy Jackson Drake, does this seem like something a woman in a happy relationship would do?"

There was silence for a few moments, "no objections? Great! Now let's go pick a dress." She stated, walking towards a dress store.

Honestly, I didn't like this one much because I felt it wasn't funny enough, but looking back on it, though I didn't laugh out loud at any point, it's just kinda cute.

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