{Hooked} Jason Todd X Assassin reader X Damian Wayne

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Have any of you ever heard that song by 'Why don't we' by the same name? This story isn't based off of it in any way shape or form. But here's a link to confuse you anyway! https://youtu.be/JAkdInRrJo8

I'd also recommend rereading 'sexy leather pants' first as I make a lot of references back to it throughout this story. It's a sequel.

This is the story from that voting thing I hosted almost half a year back.

As luck would have it Dick wasn't willing to press charges, he was just, "deeply hurt that our friendship would mean so little to you." But let's be realistic, for a hundred thousand dollars you'd kill just about anyone other than Paul. You weren't sure where you stood with that man and you weren't sure you'd be willing to not find out for only a hundred thousand dollars.

Nonetheless, Dick was so genuinely hurt that you would take a hit out on him you made a secret vow never to take hits out on your friends again. For less than a million dollars. But you were offered two this time and Damian Wayne was little more than a name to you. Not to mention he was 13, which means his killing would basically be a public service.

The sexy leather pants, in hindsight might have been a mistake. Clearly, your amazing butt drew too much attention to it's owner. So you've traded them in at a very questionable pawn shop for a brand-new fishing pole, tackle box included, along with a full china set. You didn't need it, but it was the only thing of equal value there and you weren't about to be ripped off. You'd thrown in your phone to sweeten the deal, you didn't remember half the people who were texting you anyways.

The man at the pawnshop assured you that used skillfully, it was a much more effective weapon than a gun and unlike a bullet was meant to kill under water. Which would come in handy when you inevitably had to start knocking off professional swimmers and scuba driving mayors.

It also had the added benefit that few people realized what a deadly tool it was and thus it could be conspicuously carried without concern of tipping your target off.

Damian would be out of reach once he entered the manor, so you'd have to get him at school. You thought a long while on how you could kill someone at school. Then you decided the best way would be to go undercover as a student, gain his trust, then kill him as soon as possible.

You started by putting buying a razor to regive yourself an emo cut, then you put on heavy makeup and dyed your hair black and blond. You then put a frilly miniskirt over a part of jeans, added a chain, and threw on a lacy spaghetti strap tank top with a vest over it. You picked up your new device of death and headed out to join in the crowds of preteens.

Turns out it was a uniform school. Everyone stared at you and you hadn't made it five steps down the hall before you landed in the principal's office.


"Oakland. Mary Oakland." You cleverly said, having seen the name inscribed in gold on a girls bag you knew they'd have record.

He pulled it out and glanced at the photo of the prim and proper somewhat snobby looking girl on the page than back up at yourself.

"You certainly have changed," he mused, giving you a once over.

"I found myself over summer break."

He mumbled something about puberty ruining the most promising student.

"What's with the fishing pole?"

"It's my emotional support fishing pole. It was my uncle's, I look to it for guidance when I'm unsure of what to do."

"Is this some elaborate scheme to cheat on tests?" He asked, propping up his glasses with his middle finger.

"I assure you, I will never pass a single test as long as I'm here. And I never would dream of cheating as it would take more effort than I'm willing to spend."

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