{For a dance} Dick Grayson X Socially awkward Reader (Part 1)

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In this, you are 21 because I said so.

Mild use of dark humor

You stood there in horror as people stormed towards you. What should you do? Deny your identity? Run? Hide? Is 21 too old to break out in tears?
You felt like you were breathing steam as the reporters closed in on you, questioning how you'd met Gregory Lemon.
Greg was an old friend, like so old your first encounter had been you telling him to stop eating his boogers because it was gross. Somehow he took that as you wanting to be his friend and had been latched onto you like a leach since high school.
You'd hoped when his acting career took off he'd forget you, or stop calling you, or at least stop showing up in your bathroom crying about his latest breakup.
But this morning when you reached out of the shower to grab your towel it was handed to you. And then he started wailing about a fundraiser he had to go to but needed a date.

You demanded to know how he got in and he responded, "thank you Y/N! You're the greatest, I'll pick you up at 7:00." Before rushing out.

After getting dressed you called him and tried to set the record straight.

"I never said I'd go with you!"

"Then why am I buying you a dress?"

"I don't know, because you're weird."

"So let me get this straight, you won't be my date because I'm weird?"

"That's not what I said!"

"So I'm not weird?"


"Okay, I'm confused."

"You have a tendency to do that to yourself."

"Do what?"

"Confuse yourself."

"I'm not confused, I'm getting a stylist to come to your apartment later."

"What stylist!?"

"The one coming to your apartment."

"But I'm not going!"

"Why do you always change your mind last minute!?"

"I was never going!"

"Then why did you say you were?"

"I never said I would!"

"Oh, I see how it is, this is because you think I'm weird isn't it?"

"This is so frustrating!!!"

"Don't worry Y/N, you only have to go out with me this once, you don't even have to talk with anyone, you'll be with me the whole time. You'll be fine, I promise."

The famous last words, "I promise," when had Greg ever kept a promise? You should have known this would be a repeat of the pig incident, "You watch too much true crime Y/N, I promise you, these pigs have never-- Ahhhhhhh!"

You grimaced at the memories, all of them, you weren't sure why you hadn't cut him out of your life yet. Or how to for that matter.

"So, how long have you been seeing him in secret?" One of the news reports asked.

"How did you meet?"

"Why do you look so terrified?"

"Were you the reason Greg and Cassidy broke up?"

"Do you consider yourself a homewrecker?"


"So you feel no shame!"

"Aren't you scared of the fangirls!?"

"Look! Greg is kissing a man!" When they all turned to look, you hiked up your skirt and bolted away.

Everything turned to a blur as you raced through french doors and burst out into open air, you braced yourself against the guard rail to avoid falling over. You let out a long and satisfied sigh, you were finally alone, or so you thought.

"Had to get away from the admirers for a moment?" A male voice playfully asked.

You spun around to see a tall black-haired man with blue eyes and a friendly grin. You knew his face, but you weren't sure exactly who he was. You knew it had been on TV but you weren't sure if it had been the news or a toothpaste commercial.
Her teeth did look pretty white, but something told you he was Bruce Wayne's adopted son or a serial killer.

You were sorry you didn't get out more and wished you'd spent less time watching murder documentaries, vines, and looking at memes, and more time figuring out the important people of Gotham.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" You asked, smoothing out your F\C dress.

"I'll tell you for a dance."

Please leave a like and comment to thank me for being stupid! It isn't easy.

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