{4 Shots of whiskey} Dick Grayson X Drunk Reader

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You weren't sure how you had gotten into this situation. All you remembered was that you had been out drinking with your friends, and you may have had a few too many.
You had always been the type to make extremely questionable decisions when drunk. You left with a guy, one thing led to another and you weren't able to process what was going on until it was too late.
At least it would be done soon, you felt so lightheaded, you were near the end you could feel it.
Then you opened your eyes to find you were nowhere near the end of the tightrope. And the ringmaster was at the bottom screaming up at you in a language you didn't understand. You were standing midway through the tightrope with outstretched arms and a lemon in each hand.
Suddenly it all came flooding back, the 4 shots of whiskey, how you had started talking to Dick Grayson about the circus. The circus had been in town, and you decided to go. You had bought the lemons from the man at the lemonade stand. Tried to pet a lion, and finally how you fought the ringmaster tooth and claw to get up here.
You didn't remember what you thought would happen, but now you are halfway to the end of the tightrope, and the police awaited you at the bottom to arrest you.
You took another step, clenching your lemons, and looked around, the crowd cheered, not realizing this wasn't part of the act.
You looked down, everyone down there looked pretty angry, like this was your idea. Suddenly you remember your petrifying fear of highs. You let out a high-pitched scream and started your lemons on their very first and last time flight in opposite directions.
Dick stood at the bottom trying to coax you into jumping into the net below.

"You can do it! Just let go, we'll catch you!" Dick shouted, from under you where he stood by the net.

"I'm gonna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" You wailed as the rope shook from your shaking and crying.

Your lemons sped past the net going right through the large holes in the net, they crashed on the floor, breaking open from the impact, their juices sprayed in all directions. That was enough to convince you that the safety net wasn't safe. You let out a sound you hadn't realized until now you were capable of making.

You lost your footing, you started to fall, but you were able to catch the ropes, you dangled from the rope, both hands clenched around the rope, and legs wrapped tightly around it, as tears streamed down your face.

A man you didn't recognize came down from the crowd, "I have an idea." He said, pulling out a gun.

"No Jason! Don't you dare shoot her." Dick said, trying to grab the gun.

"Well of course not!" Jason said, holding the gun, high above his head so Dick couldn't reach it.

"Good, then what are you planning to do with that?" Dick asked she stopped trying to take his brother's weapon.

"I'll shoot around her." The crazed gunman responded, pulling the trigger.

Before Dick could stop him, a bullet whizzed over your head, and you once again made that inhuman sound.

"That's it! I'm confiscating this." Dick said, taking his brother's gun.

The ringmaster was still screaming something up at you, and you were still dangling 20 feet above an unstable net.

"I'm going up," Dick said, beginning to walk over to the ladder.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice shouted.

You looked down to see your best friend bust in, running up to the crazed gunman with a flushed face. She stood there looking up at you.

"What are you doing up there!?" She asked, staring up at you, "You're afraid of heights!"

"You know me so well." You smiled through your teary eyes.

She reaches out her arms to hug you, and you do the same. Your torso dropped causing you to once again to male that horrific sound. You were suspended upside down, trying to reach up, but you didn't have that much upper body strength. Your head overhanging a very angry ringmaster, an apathetic crazed gunman, and your best friend still trying to hug you.

"Jump! I will catch you!" She insisted, holding out her arms.

"Y/B/F/N It's not like when I got stuck in that tree in highschool! I'll crush you, and then you'll be flat, and I'll be flat!" You cried.

"Safety net, that's literally what it's there for." The apathetic crazed gunman said.

"You leave me no choice Y/N!" Y/B/F/N said, pulling out a gun she shot the wire.

You let go of the tightrope in time and hit into the net. Dick fell from the trapeze, landing beside you on the safety net.

"I'm dead aren't I!?" You scream from the net where you lay on your back.

Y/B/F/N runs over to hug you and you were both arrested on the spot. Leaving the circus in the back of a cop car.
It suddenly hit the audience that this wasn't part of the performance when Dick was rushed to the hospital, having come down on the trapeze to grab you the exact same time your best friend shot the wire.

Please leave a like and comment to thank me for being stupid! It isn't easy.

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