{Nobody's hero pt.2} Damian Wayne X Sociopathic reader

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"Hey, are you alive?" I questioned looking down, with my hoodie thrown over one arm.

"I- don't-" he gasped, "Requi-re yo- your-" he began to cough up blood.

"Your pity? Don't worry, I like to think of Gotham's death count as nothing more than a statistic. You're just part of the 84 people approximated to die tonight." I assure him, swaying side to side.

"Wh-" he gasped, from his tone he seemed to be trying to ask a question.

"What's my name?" I tried, I figured he'd be dead soon anyway, might as well humor him in his last moments. "Y/N. Y/N Y/L."

He let out a pained groan of frustration.

"Hey, if you don't like Y/N, keep your opinions to yourself." I retorted.

"Wh-ere." He started again.

"Oh, you're on Hullo avenue," I told him.

"Pants." He spat out with a bit of blood.

"What about your pants? Oh! You're trying to tell me you can only speak in pants. Don't worry I can understand you fine." I assured him, hanging my sweater on the fire escape.

"No- yours." He insisted, his tone became somewhat annoyed.

"I'm not wearing pants." I rolled my eyes at his ignorance.

"That's- the issue!" He managed as he pulled himself into a sitting position.

Then I realized something, I had gotten ice cream on my shorts before leaving, did I forget to take them off, going into public with a chocolate stain on my shorts? If only, I had thrown them in the wash before leaving... Do you see the issue?
Though at this point most girls would become embarrassed. I decided to instead play it off as normal. I believe if other's begin to point fingers and laugh at me, I could feel embarrassed, start crying, or point a finger at them and start laughing and continue until they all feel uncomfortable, or start to wonder what I know.

"Yeah, so I don't wear pants I hardly see how that concerns you," I said, combing a finger through my Y/C hair.

"It-- s v- er- y con- cer- ning." He coughed out with bits of blood.

"Okay, so if that's all, I'll be going because. I still need to go home, get another dollar, and get milk so I can have mac and cheese." I explained, tapping my foot.

"Fine!" He spat out, followed by an uncontrolled fit of coughing that left his glove and face more bloody than before.

I turned to go, I walked away without looking back, now you're probably expecting me to say something about regretting this. But the only thing I really regret about this was forgetting my sweater behind. That's also the only reason I turned back.

"Calm down, I didn't come back because I felt bad. I forgot my coat." I explained before he could rant about how he didn't want my pity, this kid was just so bull-headed.

I grabbed it, a small ticket falling out of the pocket.

"How could I forget!" I asked, snatching it off the pavement.

In big golden letters, it read across the top, "How to become a supervillain!" There were 25 little squares. Mostly of my (legal guardian) who I used my power on almost constantly. The idea was to use your powers on random people, take a photo then glue it in one of the squares. Once it was full, you were an official supervillain, I printed it off a free website. My (legal guardian) was surprisingly supportive of my aspirations to be evil.

Oh well, he's going to die regardless, I thought looking at him, as he sat in a corner struggling to breathe, I pulled out my phone and set it up to take a video, that way I could make sure to catch the exact moment, then screenshot it for the photo. I started recording then set it on a crate.
Then walked over to him a piece of fabric was ripped out of the chest of the suit, making a small opening of skin that showed on his bloodied chest. I placed a hand over it.

"Ge-- tt-- y-" he began gasping for air, "our h- and of-- f me!" He demanded, in a horse, a strained voice.

Taking a deep breath I focused all my strength, lights shot out of all detections encasing the dark alley in splendorous illumination, as my power tended to do when used.

I had used up my last strength. My body felt weak as I fell on him, landing against his chest. The last thing I heard was the sound of his heartbeat before drifting away into the state of unconsciousness.
When I woke up, I was still leaning against his chest, his heart still beating and his chest no longer bleeding. My video had been running for 1 hour and 36 minutes. Robin was fine and my (legal guardian) had called 347 times, mostly about the milk.

I cropped my video, and took a screenshot of the exact second he began to be affected by my powers.

Sadly that's what I saw in the footnote. In little tiny letters, "This challenge does not apply to those exclusively gifted with the power of healing."

"How dare they alienate me like that! Who says you can't be a criminal who goes around healing people without their consent!" I exclaimed, ripping up the ticket and throw it into the air.

Those people who made this challenge for nothing but a bunch of crooks.
On my way out I found a dollar. I walked into the store and got some more milk. The clerk wasn't glad to see me.

As a matter of fact, I saw him write with a permanent marker adding "no pants" between no shoes and no service on the sign.

I couldn't care less. I had my milk and soon would have mac and cheese too, the day had been great.

Please leave a like and comment to thank me for being stupid! It isn't easy.

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