{Nobody's hero pt.1} Damian Wayne X Sociopathic reader

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Damian Wayne: Age 16

Y/N: Age 16

It was just a walk to the grocery store, or at least that's all it was supposed to be. You see my (legal guardian) had run out of milk, and we were going to have mac and cheese, so to not go to the grocery store and get milk was not an option as mac and cheese is one of the greatest foods ever known to man.

As I was saying I volunteered to run down to the store that was only a block away from our home and buy a jug of milk. My (legal guardian) of course refused to let me go. He/She said it was way too dangerous to let a 16-year-old girl out alone at night in Gotham. Then he/she began to tell me of all the horrible fates that could befall me, and just as I was about to cave in and agree to not go, he/she caved in, and I won.
I was handed some money and the house key before being rushed out the door.

I was left standing in the dark cold night, on the doorstep with the keys in one hand and 10 bucks in the other. The door locked, making a clicking sound that let me know I wasn't going to be allowed to turn back now. I stuck the ten in my pocket and made my way down the street. I pulled up the hood of my oversized sweatshirt in hopes of maybe concealing my gender to at least not have to worry about being catcalled. I slipped a key between each finger and clenched it in a fist, my makeshift weapon hidden beneath my oversized sleeve.

Much to my surprise, getting there wasn't the issue. I just walked in, and everything went quiet. I almost instantly realized the issue, I was not wearing my mask, I quickly pulled it out and slipped it on.

Making my way to the dairy aisle I picked up our brand then brought it to the counter.

The man gave me a strange look like I wasn't wearing my shirt or something, "Miss." He began.

I handed him the money and grabbed the jug, then stood there waiting for my change.

"Um Miss, you're..."

"I'm really sorry, but I'm kinda in a rush. Can I have my change?" I inquired, beginning to tap my foot as I tended to do when waiting.

"Sir the signs say you'll provide service as long as the patron is wearing a shirt and shoes. And I'm wearing both." I said, beginning to become inpatient as a line formed behind me.

"Yeah, that doesn't mean to take it so literally." He mumbled, handing me my change.

I wasn't sure what he had meant by that comment, and I wasn't going to stick around to find out, I really needed to get home.
I was only a few steps away from the grocery when I heard loud clattering coming from the alley.

Was it a good idea to go down that dark alley in the middle of the night all by myself with no form of protection other than a jug of milk and some house keys? Of course not! Whatever possessed you to even question that! Did I do it? Of course not! I'm not that dumb!
Somebody else was going to have to save whoever was getting the shit beat out of them.

I heard a loud pained groan echo from the alley. This did nothing but confirm my suspicions that intervention may be dangerous and I should leave the 'saving the innocent' shit up to Batman, and all those other people brave enough to endanger their lives for the good of others and wear their underwear on the outside of their pants.
I took one last look at that dark alleyway, turned on my heels, and made my way out of the area.

That's when it happened. I guess that's just how it goes, how heroes are born. You never realize the world is in need of saving until it hits home, and someone you love is snatched away from you by cruel fate. That's what happened, probably because I turned my back on my fellow man who is probably dear to someone, and karma is a bitch.
You guessed it, I heard a loud bang, a bullet whizzed towards me before I could react, it made impact.

My legs were drenched and cold, my ears hurt, and my milk was gone, stolen away too soon. And worst of all, I didn't have enough to buy another.

I dropped the dying jug of milk as it sputtered. I grabbed a box, wasn't sure what was inside, but it smelled kinda gross, I made my way up the stairs. Looking down into the alleyway, it seemed that two big guys had attacked one kid in a colorful suit, I soon recognized it to be Robin. He had already taken out six that laid scattered about in various positions. Blood was everywhere, and the boy didn't seem to be moving, and that's when I decided, there was really nothing I could do. If Robin couldn't fight them off, I didn't stand a chance. I emptied the box, on top of them, as I didn't want to carry it back down, you know since it was heavy.

To my surprise, out fell a lot of rotting lemons and two live rats. Well at least they were alive, I like to think that it wasn't really me who killed them, but we were all simply victims of circumstance. One fell on the ground, dying on impact, while the other's death was a little more creative. Turns out Robin wasn't dead, hit one guy in the stomach, and he threw back his head screaming out in pain, I mean who would have thought they would line up so perfectly. The struggle was short. The rat was dead. And the man ran away screaming.
One of the lemons hit one of the guys on the head and actually knocked him out.

I couldn't help but feel kinda proud of myself. The last guys ran away, I guess they thought there would be more suicidal rats going to jump. Honestly, I didn't know or care for that matter. All I wanted to do was eat mac and cheese.

But I had already gotten myself messed up in this, might as well see it to its end. I made my way down the stairs, taking off my hoodie as it was getting kinda hot. I walked up to his body and stood over him.

Please leave a like and comment to thank me for being stupid! It isn't easy.

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