{For a dance} Dick Grayson X Socially awkward Reader (Part 2)

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"Pft! I'm not that desperate to know." You turned to leave but then remembered you were standing on a balcony. Shoot.

"While okay then. I'll just stay out here with you and enjoy the air."

"Y\N! Where did you go?" Greg called, sounding as if he were close.

You began to panic, and looked over the edge. You wondered if you'd survive the fall.

"I hope you aren't thinking of jumping to get away from me."

"No, him." You replied, gesturing towards the door.

"Jumping? Y\N, are you on the balcony?" You heard Greg's voice come from the other side of the door.

You flung yourself against the French doors bracing them shut with all your might.
The possible serial killer leaned against one and you moved from the center to focus on blocking the other.

"The door seems to be jammed! Don't worry Y\N I'll go get help! The news crew is just around the corner and they always have ways to open doors! Believe me, I've tried everything from locking the door to putting my dresser in front of it, they always find a way in. They even once saved my life when I locked myself in an airtight safe while trying to escape them!" Greg shouted, jogging away.

The possible serial killer grabbed your hand and ran out from the balcony and led you down to the opposite hall from the commotion.
In any other circumstances, you would have been freaked out to go anywhere with a stranger especially when they could be a serial killer. But at the moment you would rather be taken to a strange place by a potential serial killer than have to face the definite reporters.

"I swear she was stuck out there a minute ago on the verge of jumping!"

All the reporters flooded onto the balcony to try to get a shot of the body.

The stranger opened a window and climbed out onto the ledge.

"Are you insane!?" You demanded, summoning the attention of the mob of reporters.

The clicking of shoes pounded towards you and you looked out the window to see the man wasn't on the ledge. Your heart raced.

"Up here." He whispered, offering a hand from the upper window.

Without a second thought, you climbed out and grabbed it just as you lost your balance, and he pulled you up.

You jumped in the window, flattened yourself against the wall, and slowly slid down into a seated position.

"They are going to be up here any minute." He warned.

You wished you would have spent more time working out instead of binge-watching Dateline.

You made it to the parking lot and he unlocked his car. "I can drop you off at a friend's house." He offered, getting your door for you.

"Friends? I'm flattered." You joked, slipping in the passenger seat.

He walked over to his side.

The doors burst open and the parking lot began to flood with journalists.

He pulled out and started driving down the road.

"Thanks for helping me escape there." You said, nervously playing with the wrinkles on your dress. "By the way, I'm Y\N Y\L."

"I'm Dick Grayson."

You let out a sigh of relief and you remembered who he was. Thankfully not a serial killer. You hoped.

"We'll need to meet up again sometime for that dance though." He teased.

A rustling sound came from the back, was it the reporters? Was it Greg? Had this all been a terrible nightmare and Miss Piggy was in the back seat waiting to kill you?

Dick stopped the car and you turned to see three guys in the back.

"What are you guys doing in the back of my car!?" Dick demanded.

"Bruce sent me to look for you." The tallest one with white bangs said.

"I decided to hide after the twelfth woman started going on about how adorable I am." Said the tiny one with tan skin and green eyes.

"This is Dick's car?" The last one asked sleepily, "Bruce cut me off of my coffee after only one cup. I honestly don't know what's going on anymore."

Please leave a like and comment to thank me for being stupid! It isn't easy.

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