Kota and Eri

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Deku's POV

I'm inviting Kota first. I went back to the campsite where we had our summer camp at last year where Kota lived at.



"How are you doing? I'm back!"

  "What brings you here?"

  He came up to me and gave me a hug.

  He's so cute..!

  I smiled at him.

  "There's a school festival coming up in UA, wanna come?"


   Looks like Kota's coming. Now to invite Eri. She's living in UA, just in a different dorm. Aizawa-Sensei takes care of her; since she isn't able to completely control her quirk yet.

So when I got there, Eri came running to me with arms wide. "Deku Oni-Chan!!" She smiled. She didn't know how to smile before me and Mirio and the rest of the pro heroes rescued her, and it make me happy to see her lips curve up into a smile. Mirio was in the room too; he's a cool pro hero now.

"Hey, Deku!" He greeted me.

He's got his quirk back now; Eri used her quirk to return it to him.

"Do you want to go to your second school festival?" I bent down and asked her.

She lifted her arms up to the air.


So it's decided. Eri and Kota are going!

Mina's POV

"Are Kota and Eri coming?" I asked Midoriya. He nodded in reply. Guess I'm getting a fun time shipping people together! Kamijirou, Todomomo, Kiribaku, Izuocha, Kotaeri.. there goes the best of my fleet of ships..

I looked out of the windows dreamily. I guess I'm having a fun time then.

One week timeskip

Eri's POV

Deku has invited me to the school festival! I'm excited! Pinky Ne-Chan said there would be another kid that Deku Oni-Chan had made friends with coming to the school festival with me! I hope we would be friends!

When I arrived at the door of the School Festival, I was holding Oni-Chan's hand. Then Deku Oni-Chan was holding a boy's hand. Who is that? Could it be.. that he's the friend that Pinky Ne-Chan told me about?

I went to introduce myself.

"I'm Eri. What's your name?"


Kota's POV

Who's this girl.. she looks cute.. but I hestitated for a while. Then I told her my name. "Kota..".

Deku looks quite close to her too.. I guess it doesn't hurt to befriend one of Deku's friends..

She smiled at me. She looked so sweet..

Mina's POV

I stood at the corner. "Hug.. hug..!" I whisper-shouted. I want them to be together.. even though they're just kids. I hope Kota didn't notice me though.. he's facing my side..

Kota's POV

I saw Mina at the edge of the corridor smiling to me and Eri-Chan. She seemed to be talking. I think I heard.. hug..? I'm not sure..

I suddenly remembered something. Jirou-san warned me to not be with any girls my age when Mina is watching. Nah.. who cares.. she might be lying.. I wonder why she even gave me that warning in the first place though.

Then Eri-Chan took my hand. That's when I lost it. My face is burning.. I feel.. embarrassed..? But I don't want to let go of her hand. So I held on to it and entered the festival.

I've never came here before.. Eri-Chan's been here before..

She pointed to a stall. "They sell caramel apples here.. they're sweet!" She smiled. She got an apple for me and for her.

  She's right.. the apples are sweet..

  She bit into her apple. She had a bit of caramel on her mouth so I wiped it off. Then Mina started giggling in the corner. Creepy.

Eri's POV

  Kota's a nice boy and I like him. So we are going to the haunted house first.. I'm scared. Deku Oni-Chan told us to go to Flextape Oni-Chan and Pinky Ne-Chan's roller coaster ride.

  It went 'whooo' and 'whee' and 'loop and loop'! It's fun! There were some restricted places we cannot go because they were too scary. Red Riot Oni-Chan said that.

  Ojiro Oni-Chan and Toru Ne-Chan made a kids theme park! There were many slides and swings and ball pits. Here were also many scary stuffs like bats and spider decorations.

  Bakugou Oni-Chan made us go to their attraction but Deku Oni-Chan stopped us. Kota wanted to go so we went in. There were many scary things like when I lived with Overhaul. There was many injured old mans and womans who kept chasing us. Kota said they were 'zombies'.

  Deku Oni-Chan was with us too to take care because he said Bakugou Oni-Chan's attraction was very brutal. I don't know what brutal means though..

  It was still fun anyways.

Kota's POV

  I held her hand the whole time.. I don't know why but I just did. Bakugou's attraction was cool! I'm visiting it again later. Eri-Chan likes it too! So when we got in Deku went panicking and it was funny.

  We went to Class 1B's stall next. Puppet shows. So this blond guy pissed me off so I kicked him (don't ask where he kicked Monoma *wink wink*)~ Shironii. He kept saying tha Class 1A was shit and all. Bakugou taught me how to cuss; he said fuck meant ***and shit meant **** Thank me for censoring~ Shironii so I understood what that victim of mine said.

  I walked along with my hands in my pockets when I saw an orange-haired lady pulling that blond-haired back and apologising. Guess not all 1B students are fuckheads.

Word Count:

Ah yes teaching dear Kota how to swear~ I had so much fun with this chapter-

The fact that I forgot most of their hero names

Beeg lov fr yall

Signed Off,

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