Just Hotel Stuff

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Deku's POV

I closed the window, and covered the blanket over myself. It's 4am, so we gotta sleep. Then I heard a ruckus. Not just those kind of kids' crying or builders' hammering, but it's something very well-known in class 1A.

So... Sero's taped up Kacchan while Kirishima is trying to get Kacchan out of the mess and Kaminari is taking selfies while Jirou is chilling at the side with Todoroki while drinking black tea when Uraraka's running all over the place panicking and Tokoyami has a very disturbed face on while Asui- I mean Tsuyu-San is trying to see what's wrong with him.

Aizawa-sensei's just sleeping in his caterpillar sleeping bag at the side ignoring everything.

And look, I'm trying to sleep here...

I sighed and asked Uraraka what's going on.

She shrugged but held my hand and ran away with me.

"Wha- Uraraka, what are you doin-"

"Run..! Before that Bakugou sees y-"

An explosion.

Very loud one.

And big. Uraraka and I got caught in it.



I kinda have the full picture now.

So Ashido probably was playing Truth Or Dare with the Bakusquad and Sero dared Kacchan to catch me. And he got so agitated when he went to chase me. But he caused lots of destruction along the way so Sero had to bind him up.

Conclusion settled I think.


I awkwardly sprinted away so he won't see me.

  From the corner of his eye, I think he's caught a gaze at me, and he broke out.

  Of course I ran out to avoid more destruction. 


Uraraka's POV

  I laughed a bit at Deku's panicked face.. somehow cute. But I went to fetch Aizawa-sensei anyways.

  He's grumpy today like any other day so I had to be rather careful not to choose the wrong set of words else Deku might get into trouble as well.

  "What is it, Uraraka.."

  "Uh.. Aizawa-sensei, Deku's been-"


  "No it's not him-"

  "Tch, disturbin' my free time. I swear to god, he won't stop breakin' those bones."

  "But Aizawa-sensei, Baku-"

  "Enough of this chit-chat, lead me to that troublemaker."

   Tsk.. he didn't bother listening to the explanation. I had to choice but to bring him to an uncontrollable barking promanian and a broccoli boii trying to escape the grasp.

  "Kacchan, stop-"

  Bakugou's exploding Deku's face off, at least, nearly doing it. Deku's desperately dodging those dangerous blows, but not attacking.

  Aizawa-sensei instantly erased Bakugou's quirk but Bakugou's still holding Deku by the collar, raising him up, as if he's choking him.

  Hunter x Hunter reference intended :P~ Shironii

  I scrambled away before things got ugly, and I saw Aizawa-sensei hitting both Bakugou and Deku's head.

  "What did Deku do..." I mumbled. Aizawa-sensei caught that with his sharp ears, and he replied with a "he got into trouble, that's all."

  Damn, that ain't fair. At least he didn't break any bones.

   Deku rubbed his head like a cute lil' baby while Bakugou shot Aizawa-sensei a death stare. As if he's going to bite Aizawa-sensei's head off or something.

Aizawa's POV

So financial issues child told me that the damned problem child and the damned eternally angry child are having another fight. Sheesh.. ie got no time for this fucking shit.

I had to drag the eternally angry child away from problem child before he bites his head of so I just erased his quirk and forcefully removed those two. Financial issues child looked so damn surprised but I shrugged that off. And eternally angry child is going to have detention the second day when class starts.

Two detention sessions of the first week of school... how tedious.

   Tomorrow the kids are going hiking. They need to sleep.

Word Count:

Whoa I forgot this book existed gomenasaiiii

I was so caught up when makin new covers fr le new books

Forgive me~

Beeg lov fr yall

Signed Off,

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