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Have you ever been so happy, that you can actually feel your own happiness radiating off of you?

I have.

The moment Harry said 'Yes' made my whole world stop, and spin again for him. Never in my life have I ever had a smile that reaches up to my eyes with out force, or fakely. I've came to notice that I always have a smile set on my face when ever Harry is with me. Sure, I smile when I see fans and my family, but other than that, it's rare for me to smile none the less.

Harry and I lie down on his couch, as we watch an old rerun of friends. He was supposed to be at work as of now, but he decided to call Barbra his boss, if he could have the day off for personal reasons. She didn't mind at all, considering the fact he never missed a day of work, only when needed to. So that's why she agreed.

I have my arms wrapped around Harry's waist, resulting in him being the little spoon, and I being the big spoon.

I lie my head on to the crook of his neck, as I lay a few kisses there. I see him visibly shutter at the feeling of my lips on his bare neck.

I love that I can make him feel this way.

I tug him closer to my body, when I suddenly feel a cold draft enter the room. Harry snuggles happily closer to me. I inhale the scent of green apples and mint, the combination of him resulting in his green apple scented shampoo, and the mint gum he always chews.

"Harry?" I question. I feel him react to my voice.

"Yes, love?"

I smile at the feeling of butterflies invading my stomach, but soon the smile quickly fades as I remember what I was going to ask him. "Are you sure you want to be with me?"

I feel Harry tense up a bit. The room is silent for less than a second before he turns around, his face now only inches away from my own. His green eyes burn into mine, as a small frown is etched on his beautiful pink plump lips. "Of course Louis, why wouldn't I be?"

"I just.. I don't know.. Being part of the public eye can be tough, trust me on this." I sigh. "And to add on, I haven't necessarily came out to the world yet.."

"It's okay." Harry says. "It's okay if you're not ready to come out, and don't worry if you're referring to the hate... I've lived through it for my entire life, and I'm not going to give up for only a couple of more people not accepting the fact that I'm dating you." He smiles softly.

"You're the best.. You know that right?" I smile, pecking his lips.

"I know." Harry chuckles. "We're the bestest."

"Bestest.. I love that."

"And I love you." Harry smiles, but suddenly his eyes widen, realizing what he just said. "Shit.. I'm sorry I--"

"It's okay Harry, I know you love me."

"Cocky much?" Harry quirks an eyebrow at me, clearly amused.

I grin. "Cocky because I have you."

"Smooth as fuck."

"You know it." I wink, kissing him softly. "But.. Even though I may not have said I love you.. Just know I'm surely falling for you.. No." I shake my head. "I have fallen, I just didn't know it yet." Harry blushes. "But just know this.. When the time is right I'll tell you I love you.. I mean I do love you, but--"

Harry chuckles. "I know what you mean louis, it's okay." I smile softly at the curly haired boy who lights up my world like nobody else.

Here we go with the damn song lyric references again.

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