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(The picture says it all *winks*)


"That was spectacular." Mr. Wills says causing me to smile.

"W-What?" I breath, my smile becoming wider almost like a Cheshire cat. I look over to Louis who grins back at me cutely. Suddenly Mr. Will's phone starts to ring in his pocket.

"Can you excuse me while I take this?" He questions.

"No problem." Louis says, before I could answer. Mr. Wills smiles and gives us a quick nod as he steps out of the room to talk on the phone with who ever was calling. "I'm so proud of you Haz, you sounded absolutely amazing." Louis continued.

I feel my cheeks redden a bit at the compliment. I still can't get my head wrapped around the idea that Louis fucking Tomlinson is actually my friend, and is complimenting my singing. Meanwhile about two weeks ago, I was just a nobody crying over the fact my favorite band had broken up, and I was stuffing my face with ice cream as I scrolled on twitter read Fanfiction and was on my other social networks.

I still can't seem to get used to this, that now I'm standing here right now with Louis who wants to become partnered artists, and I repeat again, he is actually my friend. It's really hard for me to make friends, so I can't believe out of all people louis is actually my friend.

"Harry?" He questions quirking an eyebrow at me. "You okay? You seemed to zone out for a moment there."

"O-Oh sorry boo, I was just thinking.." I sheepishly smile, looking into those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

Louis gives me a bright smile, making my heart flutter. "It's okay Haz,"


Suddenly Mr. Wills walks back into the room, putting his phone back into his pocket as he looks at us.

"Now where was I?" He mutters to himself, scratching his head. "Oh yes, Harry that was fantastic, you did amazing for an amateur, and I really can't wait to hear you and Louis perform your duet together." He says, but then frowns. "But thing is, I'll have to cut this meeting a bit short, I need to go to a really important meeting.. Can we please schedule this for another day boys?"

Louis an I both nod. "Thank you sir, and of course." I say.

"Okay, perfect then." He nods smiling. "Now, what's today-- Monday, okay so how about we do this again I don't know maybe wednesday?"

Louis and I both look at each other, before he replies. "Yes, Wednesday sounds good."

"Perfect." Mr. Wills, beams, pulling his phone back out of his pocket. "Now, if you excuse me, I'll be heading off to the meeting now, have a very good day, both of you!" He says before walking off.

Louis and I both walk out of the room and then soon out of the building. Since Louis decided to drive, we both hop into his car, and he begins to drive to who knows where in particular.

"So, where are you taking me?" I ask the blue eyed boy.

"I was thinking to go get some ice cream or something, to celebrate you're excellent performance."

"Ice cream sounds nice." I grin, looking out the window.


"One plain vanilla, and one cookie dough chocolate chip." Louis says to the worker who nods, starting to scoop the two different flavors into a two individual waffle cones.

"How did you know I love cookie dough?" I ask louis, laughing a bit.

"Well, I saw your freezer packed with that flavor of ice cream, so I just figured it was your favorite." He shrugs. "Unless I'm wrong, I could always get you a different--"

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