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"What?" Gemma asks through the phone. I quickly pour milk into my bowl of fruit loops,and plunge a spoonful of its contents into my mouth. Today is a gloomy morning and Louis just texted me less that 5 minutes ago, saying he was going to pick me up later to go eat dinner with his family. I honestly thought it was just one of my dreams again. Yes, I always dream about the boys.

"Yes!" I shout through the phone happily while still chewing my cereal. "I fucking met Louis William Tomlinson last night at the pub!" I exclaim.

"That's really cool, Harr--"

"He even gave me a nickname and everything, oh my fucking god... he actually gave me a nickname Gem!" I squeal excitedly, with tears of joy falling down my cheeks. "And that's not even the best part! guess what else happened."

"Uh.." She ponders for a moment, "Did he kiss you..?"

"No-- well that would've been a dream come true, but no.. keep guessing!"

"Did he--"

"He wants to partner up with me! Louis fucking Tomlinson wants to work with me out of all people Gemma.. Out of all fucking people in the world!"

"Holy shit that's amazing Harry!" Gem says happily through the phone. "See, I told you singing at the pub was going to be the start of your career!"

I plunge another spoonful of cereal into my mouth, and log onto my twitter on ,my laptop,seeing loads of notifications, "The fuck.." I mutter out to myself, tunning out Gemmas mindless chatter. Suddenly thats when i see it.

Louis Tomlinson followed you!

I let out a small gasp leave my lips.. okay, well a loud enough gasp to scare the shit out of my sister.

"And yeah-- wait what? Harry.. are you okay? why did you gasp--"

"He followed me!" I scream,

"Ow,what the hell Harry?!"

I ignore her reaction, and let out another squeal, "He fucking followed me on twitter too! I love my worthless piece of shit life now oh my god!" I say as a few happy tears fall down my face. "Do you know what Gemma? yeah.. i-im just.. yeah.. i-i just need a moment to process all of t-this.. ill talk to you later, okay bye!" and not caring to hear her usual response, i hang up on her.


A few hours later after my small fanboy attack, I'm at the bakery, day dreaming about none other than Louis. This boy hasn't left my mind the whole day, actually no, since the moment I discovered who one direction were he never left my mind.

It's been a pretty slow day, and barely anyone had the urge to go to the bakery. I mean, who would blame them? It's snowing really hard outside and if I was them, I most likely wouldn't travel through this weather for just a piece of bread.

I lean my elbow on the counter and look at the clock up on the wall. It's almost time for my shift to end, and Louis told me he was going to pick me up.

Louis and I texted the majority of the time since I got into work, and even before then. Barbra didn't get mad at seeing me using my phone during work hours, since there were basically no customers in sight. Plus, she loves me and sees me as her son, so that's a plus.

Suddenly the little bell from the entrance rings, startling me some what out of my gaze. I look over at the man, who has a hoodie over his beanie, and wears dark aviators. His hoodie is a plain navy blue with the laces tied together in a cute little bow, and he wears back skinny jeans, and black vans.

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