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"Uh.. Harry?" I say walking into his bedroom still half asleep, thinking it was a bathroom. Harry and I fell asleep in his living room after watching a couple of movies last night.

I hear footsteps walking down the hall. "Yeah-- oh shit." Harry looks at me wide eyed, as he stares at me in his room.. Where dozens of one direction posters are on his wall. I look at the walls awkwardly, and shuffle a bit on my spot, looking at Harry. "Fuck.. Why are you in here oh my god."

"I uh.. I thought it was the bathroom and.. Yeah.." I scratch awkwardly behind my neck. Harry looks red like a tomato, as he stares at everything except me in embarrassment.

"This is so embarrassing.." He mutters underneath his breath.

I chuckle. "Don't worry Haz, it's only me."

"Exactly Louis, it's you.. You're on my walls!" He says, cupping his face and letting out a groan. "I was going to take these posters off my walls yesterday, but I got caught up on the song.. And.. I-I'm sorry.."

I shake my head. "Don't be sorry Harry, I know you're a directioner, and I'm actually pretty flattered for you to actually have all these posters up of us." I say honestly, walking towards him, and putting my thumb under his chin, to raise up his head to look at me.

Harry looks up, green eyes meeting mine, as he sheepishly smiles, flushing scarlet.

And in that moment, I realize how close we both actually are.. If one of us just lean in a centimeter, we would both be engulfed in a kiss. I almost feel myself leaning in at the slightest..

That's why I quickly and casually take hand away from his face, and put it back to my side, where it falls limp.

Harry frowns, making my heart hurt.

"So uh.. Where's the bathroom again?" I speak, trying to slice the tension.

"D-Down the hallway.. Last door on your right." Harry whispers looking down at the floor. I nod, slowly making my way out of the room and heading down the hallway, using the directions Harry gave me.

After I reached the bathroom, I quickly got my business done. The skink faucet shoots water out, as I stick my hands into it. I splash some colde water on my face and turn the facet off, and grip the counter, looking at myself in the mirror.

I almost kissed Harry.

I let out a frustrated sigh, as I run a hand through my messy hair. What's going on with me?

Less than a few weeks ago, my life was on track. I was in a world famous boy band, and I was in fact straight but now.. The band broke up because of supposedly me.. And..

I may not be as straight as I thought I was.. And this is scaring the shit out of me.


"Hello." The man in the black suit, greets Harry and I, as we walk into the recording studio.

"H-Hi." Harry timidly smiles, standing next to me as he shakes the mans hand.

"Hey." I smile, shaking the mans hand, before putting my hand on Harry shoulder, trying to comfort him. Harry relaxes into my touch.

"So, as Ed has already told you both I'm sure," He says clearing his voice. "I am Mr. Wills, and well, I'm the boss of my management, splash records." He says. "Now, Mr. Tomlinson,I hear you are interested in joining my records, with Mr. Styles?"

"Y-Yes sir.. I kind of just wanted to go my own way you know? But the moment I heard Harry sing, I wanted to become partnered artists."

Mr.Wills nods. "Good, now I've already heard you sing before Concerning your past job in being in One direction, and well I'm happy to sign you in, but you on the other hand Mr. Styles, I've never heard you sing before.. And this is why we're here today.. Do you have the song you want to sing ready?"

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