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It's been a few days since the dinner with my family and Harry. It went pretty good, other than the fact my little sister has a crush on the curly haired lad.

I felt really pissed off for some reason. It was probably just me being over protective of Lottie, I mean that's the only possible explanation.

Harry and I have stayed in contact for all this time, and he is such an amazing person to talk to. He's like the best friend I never had, well I've had best friends in the past like stan, but I don't know, Harry is different.

"So, how long till he gets here?" Ed questions. He takes a bite out of his sandwich and looks at me, chewing slowly.

I look down at my wrist watch, seeing the time. "Eh, a few minutes." I shrug looking at the door of the small cafe we're in.

"Alright." Ed smiles, taking a sip of his soda. "So, tell me more of this Harry character."

"Well, I know for a fact that you're going to like him mate." I smile. "He's such a caring person.. He's a gentle soul, that I don't know.. He's just amazing period."

Ed smiles, and gives me a certain look. I look at him in confusion, when suddenly the bell from the door goes off.

"Sorry I'm late." Harry says walking over us in a hurry, but then stops in his tracks when he sees Ed Sheeran sitting in front of me. Harry's jaw drops open, and Ed let's out a small chuckle. "Holy mother of god.. I-It's you."

"It's me." Ed smiles, standing up from his chair and putting his hand out for Harry to shake. "Nice to meet you Harry."

"N-Nice to meet you too." He smiles nervously shaking the red heads hand.

I motion Harry to take a seat next to me.

"Sorry for having a bit of a moment there.. I mean, I knew you were going to be here since Louis here told me but.. Wow.. I just.. Can't believe I'm actually sitting here talking to you, and I'm really sorry that I'm babbling right now in front of you this is just plain embarrassing and I feel like I should just shut up now." Harry says smiling sheepishly.

"No, it's okay Harry." Ed smiles reassuringly. "I was the same way when I first met celebrities when I first started out in the music career."

"Hey, so.. Let's get down to business shall we?" I cut them both off from their small little conversation. "Oh and that sandwich is for you Haz, I didn't know what you wanted so I ordered you the classic sub."

"Thanks Louis." Harry blushes, making me feel an odd sensation in the pit of my stomach.

I look over at Ed who smiles looking between Harry and I, while sipping quietly on his soda.


"So, I've talked to my management about you wanting to pair up with Harry and they're all up for it." Ed says. "Thing is, they want you Harry to go over to their office Monday morning to do a little presentation of you singing in front of them, since they never heard you sing."

"That sounds cool." Harry smiles. "But, will I be performing alone for them or?"

"Well," Ed shuffles in his seat. "They want to hear you and Louis together first.. It's kinda complicated, but then again it's not exactly."

"What do you mean?" I butt in.

"Well, they want Harry to perform solo, then afterwards, you guys have to duet with each other."

"Do we sing a cover of any song we want, or do we have to write an original?" Harry questions, taking a sip of his tea.

"No, you guys can sing what ever you want."

"Okay." Harry and I both say.

"Yeah, so after they hear you both perform, they'll decide whether to sign you in or not."

"Seems pretty easy." I nod.

"So is that it?" I question, taking my last bite of sandwich. Ed nods, standing up from his chair.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." He grins. "I wish I could stay here and talk more with you guys, but I really need to get back to my hotel and call up my family." He grabs his coat from his chair and puts it on. "It was nice meeting you Harry, I hope to see you soon. I have a good feeling we're going to be best friends in no time." He smiles, giving Harry a quick hug.

"Thanks, that means the world coming from you." Harry grins widely.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Ed says, searching through his coat pockets and pulls out two small little business cards. "This is for you both."

Harry and I both grab a card.

"Nice seeing you both, bye Louis, bye Harry!" Ed smiles, waving goodbye to us and leaving the small cafe.

Harry and I both sit down in our seats again as a waitress makes her way over to us.

"Do you boys need anything else?" She smiles kindly, grabbing the now empty plates from our table.

Harry and I look at each other and he shrugs.

"Can we get two pieces of chocolate cake?" I question.

She nods, writing it down on her small little notebook and walking away shortly, after grabbing the empty plates again.

Harry and I chat for a bit until she comes back with two slices of chocolate cake and sets it down in front of us, leaving us again.

I grab the fork on my plate, and take a bite out of it. The rich flavor of chocolate engulfing my senses.

Harry moans a bit at the taste. I suddenly feel my pants get a bit tight at the sound. What the hell.

Did I just get a boner?

"This is so amazing!" Harry says. "I never tasted such amazing cake oh my god."

I chuckle awkwardly, still feeling my pants a bit tight. "Yeah, they have the best cake in town."

Harry nods, quickly taking another bite of his cake as I do the same.

"I wonder what song I should perform.." Harry then mutters out.

"Which ever song will be perfect, love."

He blushes. I seem to always make him blush.. I love that I can do that.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I let out a sigh, as I take out the device and turn it on, I roll my eyes as I see the contact's name.


I immediately press the end call button and put the phone back into my pocket.

"You okay Louis?" Harry asks me. I look over to him and see a concerned look plastered on his face.

I nod, running a hand through my hair. "Uh, yeah.. Just someone called and I really don't want to talk to him.."

"If you don't mind me asking, who?"

"Niall.. I don't know why he's calling, but I really don't feel like talking to him honestly."

"Niall James Horan calling.. Well you don't hear that everyday." Harry chuckles. "Anyway, it's okay Louis, if you don't want to talk to him, then it's cool, don't sweat it." He smiles, patting my back.

"Thanks Haz."


What do you think of Harry finally meeting Ed?

Thoughts on Louis getting a boner because of Harry?

Louis ignoring Niall's phone calls?

Vote, comment, follow!!!


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