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Oh shit..

Oh shit....

Oh fucking shit..

"Haz, you okay?" Louis questions, handing me a water bottle. Zayn and Liam are seated over at the couch chatting away, as Niall stuffs his face with a bag of crisps.

Tonight is the first concert for one direction returning... With me included.

The guys announced over a month ago that they decided to get the band back together, saying they missed the fans. Everyone became ballistic with the news, but in a good way of course. They announced it over in an interview on The Ellen show. They told her and the whole world that there would be a new member joining and that sent everyone to emotional hysterics. Some said they didn't need a new member, while others wanted to know who was this new secret band member and if he was famous or not.

Liam told them that I wasn't famous.

Louis said he actually discovered me in an open mic night at a pub after the band first broke up. He hasn't mentioned anything about him being gay and dating me, we promised we would come out eventually when the timing would be right and everyone would be accepting of me.

So as I said, tonight is the night where I will be joining them on stage.. Never in my pathetic life would I have ever thought this would be happening. These type of things only ever happen in Fanfiction.

"Just a bit nervous.. s'all." I say, shooting Louis a small smile.

Louis looks at me for a moment, he leans up in his tippy toes and places a gentle kiss on my lips, making a huge smile appear on my face.

"Will you guys get a room?" Niall groans saying it with a mouthful of food. "I mean it's cute and all but please."

"Sorry Ni." I giggle as Louis boops my nose playfully with his nose.

"Five minutes!" A man wearing stage gear shouts into the room all of us are in speaks, right before going away. I feel my blood going cold.

"You'll do fine love." Louis whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Thanks Boo." I blush, giving him a quick kiss.

"Okay everyone!" Liam says, clapping his hands together. Lou and I give him our attention as Zayn and Niall do the same as well. "First concert since our break up, and first concert with Harry.. We'll do amazing. Let's show these amazing fans how much we love and care for them!" Liam cheers fist bumping the air. The rest of us cheer as well. I kind of just smile still too nervous to do anything else.


"Hello Los Angeles!" Liam shouts through the microphone. The crowd erupts in cheers and screams. I hide behind the stage, being able to see everyone and everything while no one sees me. "It's been a long time hasn't it?"

The crowd screams again making the boys chuckle.

"Well, we're back and aren't planning to go away anytime soon!" Niall shouts through his mic.

"We missed you all so much." Zayn smiles, gripping his mic and fixing his ear piece.

"A ton." Louis says. "And we have something else in stored for all of you as well! You all might've heard about us mentioning a new band member am I correct? Well he's here today, and he's quite nervous... And actually... He's one of you." The crowd screams again. "So it would mean the world to us if you could show him some love now!"

Once in a lifetime (Larry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now