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"Louis?" I hear a voice say. I slowly open my eyes to only be met with a horrendous head ache. A painful result for my hangover.

Last night, I spent it drinking with loads of alcohol, enough to get me pissed drunk, and intoxicated. I feel my head pounding as I sit up in my large bed, and let out a groan.

"Love, are you drunk?" I hear my mothers voice speak again. Shit.

I promised her I was going to lay off the drinking.

"I uh.. I was but not anymore.. Just have a bloody head ache s'all."

"I'll be right back." She quickly says leaving the room. I put my hands in my face as I lean forward, trying to gain up all the strength in getting out of bed. A moment later, mum arrives with a cold glass of water, and two pain killers.

"Thanks." I give her a soft smile, and she gives me the two items. I quickly put the two pills in my mouth, and swallow my water in big gulps. The cold moisture going down my throat.

"Now," She says walking over to me, and taking a seat on my bed. "Why did you drink a lot last night?"

"I-I didn't drink a lot.. Maybe a couple of beers here and there but--"

"Louis," she sighs. "The kitchen is filled with dozens of empty bottles... You know you can tell me the truth right?"

"Yeah.." I frown. "I know."

"Then why did you drink so much?"

I shrug, quietly looking down at the floor. "It helps the pain."

"Oh, boo bear." She frowns, pulling me into a hug. I feel tears beginning to swell up in my eyes. "Just let it all out."

I nod, quietly thanking her. "I-Is it true?" I sniffle sadly quickly wiping away a few tears. "Is it really all my fault?"

"No of course not Louis." She says.

"I.. I saw what everyone is saying.. They're blaming me.. I thought it was only Liam who felt this way in the first place... But now most of the fans are blaming me for the bands break up."

"Well, it's not true." She says. "You are a beautiful boy, with such a caring heart. Everything you did was for the good of the band.. Heck, you always made sure everything was going well!" She grins.

"If that's true, then why does Liam think that way?"

"Maybe, Liam is just feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, and was just trying to find someone to blame for all this madness on."

"If so, that's a shitty excuse." She chuckles, rubbing small circles on to my back.

"Now, only because they may not want to continue their Careers doesn't mean you can.. You remember what I told you just a day ago right?"

I smile softly. "Yeah.. I called Ed yesterday in the morning and asked if we could meet up and talk."

"That's good." She smiles widely. "Now, get out of this bed, and get your lazy ass out of here and get active!"

"What?" I laugh amused. "Mum, I own my own football team--"

"Exactly." she chuckles. "Go out into town! Go to a cafe, music store, what ever! You just need to breath in some fresh air, and start this day fresh as the new you. Not Louis Tomlinson from that popular boyband one direction, but Louis Tomlinson the man with dreams he can accomplish if he sets his mind to it!" She encourages me.

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