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I feel my heart stop for the second time tonight as I read Louis' text message.

Louis has feelings for me too.

Someone likes me.

Holy fucking shit.

I let out a small squeal into my pillow. The time is almost six in the morning... This is too early for me to be fanboying over a text.

But this isn't just any text..

and it's Louis. So this is an exception.

I know for sure that I am not going to be able to go to sleep anytime soon. And even if I had the courage to try to shut my eyes and drift to sleep, I wouldn't be able to, because I just can't get the kiss out of my head.

I've dreamt for so long on how Louis' lips would feel like against mine. And let me just say, it was a million times better than I had ever dreamt before.

The kiss was just simply perfect.

Simple but effective.

I feel myself starting to fanboy all over again on just thinking about the kiss louis and I shared hours ago.

He was my first kiss, and not many people have the chance to say that.

I stay up for another hour until I finally find myself drifting off to sleep. The last thing I think of is the way his lips perfectly molded with mine. The rest was dreamt of a certain blue eyed boy with caramel colored hair.


I snap my eyes open to knocking at my front door. I let out a small groan as I look over to my alarm clock and see it's almost eleven in the morning.

This is way too early for me.

I sit up on my bed, as I stretch out my stiffened limbs. I yawn as I finally find the will to climb out of bed and walk down the hallway and into my front door.

Who could be at the door?

I let out another small yawn, as I open the door, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"if you're trying to sell me magazines, I'm sorry to decline.." I start off, but then I find myself staring back at blue eyes. Those blue eyes that light up my world. "O-oh hello Louis." I stutter, feeling my cheeks go into a dark shade of red.

Won't I ever stop blushing?

"Hey Harry." Louis smiles. "May I come in?"

I nod quickly, stepping out of the door way, and letting him pass through. I close the door as he walks in.

"Sorry I was asleep.. Remind me to never pull an allnighter ever again." I chuckle. "Anyway, what's up--"

Suddenly I'm interrupted by a pair of soft lips crashing onto mine. I feel myself gasp a bit in shock at the sudden contact, but I quickly recompose myself, and shut my eyes closed as my arms quickly wrap over his small waist and his arms fling around over my neck, tugging me closer to his muscular body.

I feel his tongue lick my lower lip, as I quickly part my mouth open. His tongue quickly enters, making the kiss much more heated.

I'm so thankful that my breath always smells like mint, and that my teeth are always cleaned to perfection.

I feel myself moan slightly, when suddenly feeling myself getting hard.

The things you do to me Louis William Tomlinson.

And all too soon, we part away from each other, because of the needed oxygen we need for our lungs.

"Wow." I say, still out of breath. "Well.. that was the best morning present I have ever received." I smile cheekily, as he blushes. I made Louis blush dear lord.

"Yeah." Louis sheepishly smiles, scratching behind his neck. "I don't know what came over me.. Shit I'm so sorry Harry, I shouldn't have kissed you.. You're mad aren't you--"

I cut him off, my quickly pecking his lips. He smiles, looking down at the ground then back at my green eyes.

"I'm no where near mad." I chuckle. "You've actually made my whole entire life because of that kiss." I smile.

"I feel really proud to be the person to make your life." Louis chuckles softly as he walks over to my living room, taking a seat on the couch. "But I feel like an asshole for doing that."


"No.. I mean it like.. I don't want to confuse you, you know? I mean, I still don't know what my sexuality is.. I'm still pretty sure I'm straight.. But when I look and think about you, I feel like I'm lying to myself."


"I came to conclusion that I may be Harry-sexual."

"Harry-sexual?" I laugh, causing him to hit my shoulder. "Ow."

"That's the only thing I could come up with," He laughs.

"Alright," I chuckle, still looking into those blue eyes of his. "But, just know for no matter what,I will completely understand any decision you make." I say honestly, smiling at the beautiful boy in front of me, who beams at my words.

"Thank you so much curly." He grins.

"No problem." I grin back. "So, what brings you here to my little flat?" I ask. "Not thank I'm complaining." I wink.

"Well, I wanted to see you and I just wanted to practice for the record label."

"That reminds me." I say. "I was thinking that we should change the song to a different one."

"Which song do you have in mind?"

"Moments." I grin.



How you liked this short crappy chapter?

Now.. If you excuse me, but I'll be continuing to cry because Harry is growing up too fast.


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