Twenty- Three.

374 22 3

How does one get a million reads on a story? *Sighs*



I turn over on my side to tug Harry to my cold body when I feel nothing next to me. I slowly open my eyes, seeing the empty spot where Harry is always sleeping beside me as just empty and alone.

Where is he?

I turn my attention over to the night stand where the alarm clock is at, blinking through the darkness.


I sit up in bed, and swing my legs over, and stand up. I stretch out my tired limbs as I let out a yawn. I tiredly and curiously walk out of the room and walk down the stairs. Soft chatter fills the air, seems to be both Harry's and Gemmas voices.

I wonder what they could be talking about?

I tip toe down the hall and stand right out of the entrance of the kitchen, hearing their conversation clear enough. I don't like eves dropping, but curiosity is getting the best out of me.

"Then what is it?" Gemma asks, taking another sip of milk from her mug.

From where I'm standing, I can see the curly haired boy fiddle with his thumbs, as he looks down at them. "One Direction wants to get back together."


Harry nods, letting out a small sigh. "Some of the guys have been calling Louis about it, telling him how sorry they are for giving up such an amazing band.. Louis doesn't know what to do and he's been under so much stress lately--"

"Yeah.." Gemma sighs, setting her white mug down on the counter and turning to face Harry. "I over heard him talking with who I'm guessing was Liam.. And yeah, I'm the reason why Louis told you--"

"He wasn't going to tell me?" Harry's voice hitches as he questions her softly.

"What no--"

"How was he not going to tell me?" He grits his teeth together. "Out of all people don't you think he should've told me first than you?"

"Harry shh... You're just over reacting okay? Everything that you said is a lie.. Plus, Louis didn't want to tell you just yet because he didn't want to hurt your feelings.. He knows how much you care about him, so he didn't want to worry you."

Harry sighs scratching behind his neck and grabbing his white mug again and taking a slow sip of the warm milk.

"Listen Harry." Gemma says softly, walking over to him and putting her hand on Harry's shoulder in a comforting way. "Louis loves you.. He's in love with you.. He's not going to let you fall.. He'll be there for every step of the way.. He's never let you down before am I right?"

He nods.

"Then have faith.. And just wait for what ever happens that comes your way." She gives him a small smile before retrieving her hand away from him and sitting down the now empty white mug into the sink. "Now, if you excuse me, I need to get to bed." Gemma says walking to the door way.

I quickly run away from where I am, and duck behind an old large vase sitting on the ground.

I watch as Gemma says something else to Harry which I couldn't catch and walks up the stairs silently and then the door to her room closes.

What am I going to do?

How can I make everyone happy? How can I be the equalizer?

"But he makes me strong." Harry whispers out making my heart break and flutter at the same time. What am I going to do?

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