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Shout out: to one of my best friends Lilly_Natsu_Lover ! Thank you again for letting me copy off your packet for LA😂 love you ostrich

Dedication: To my really good friend Taylor! She's the one who always helps me with trouble concerning the book, and I am truly thankful for meeting such an amazing person.


"Hello, my love." I greet Harry as I walk into the kitchen with only boxers on. Harry turns around and smiles at me. I look down, and notice he's still in boxers as well..



Very interesting.

"Hey boo." Harry pecks my lips softly, as he puts his large hands on my waist. "How are you this fine morning?"

"Mm, shouldn't I be asking you this?" I smirk.

Last nights events fill my mind. Every kiss, every touch, and every 'I love you' makes my heart flutter and take me back to the extraordinary moment that we shared between us.

Harry blushes looking down. "Tell me about it, you rocked me pretty hard last night, my arse still hurts." He pouts, putting his hand on his butt.

I laugh a little too loudly at this, making the crinkles at my eyes show, something only Harry can only seem to do, unlike anybody else.

"What's so funny?" He questions. "Is my pain that hilarious to you?"

"No, I'm sorry, it just sounded cute, the way you said it and touched your bum afterwards." I smile, bopping his nose with my pointer finger.


"Louis?" Harry questions. We both are sat down on his couch in his living room. I turn my attention over to him.

"Yeah Haz?"

"I just.. um." He scratches behind his neck awkwardly. "Mum called me earlier in the morning while you were still asleep, she wants me to go visit her and Robin back in Holmes Chapel... She knows about us, and she really wants to meet you."


"But if you don't want to go,then I fully understand,,"

"Harry, it's okay love, I would really love to meet them." I smile softly, grabbing a hold of his larger hand.

"Really? You're the best Boo."

I blush. "Stop talking about yourself," Harry shakes his head in amusement. "So, when do we leave?"

"Uh.. here's the thing.."


"She wants it to be Tuesday.. Tuesday as in tomorrow."


"Sorry for the short notice."

"No, it's okay, it's not your fault.. It's just kind of.. Nerve wracking.. You know?"

"Trust me, I know," Harry chuckles knowingly. "I was basically having an anxiety attack while at your mums home."

"Aww, my poor Hazzy." I pout, tugging him closer to my body, as we stay seated at the couch. I peck his forehead, and he snuggles into the crook of my neck, sighing contently.

"I love you." Harry whispers, looking up to meet gazes with my own blue eyes. "Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be in your arms."

Once in a lifetime (Larry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now