author's note

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Hey um hey

So I wrote this story in October over the course of like 10 hours, I pulled an all nighter and couldnt stop thinking about Ron Weasley so I wrote a fan fiction for him.

I posted the first few parts, a couple people read it, and then I posted the rest and I haven't logged in since.

Oh my god so many people have read this!!! So I wanted to say a few things to those people:

1. I DO NOT SHIP DRAMIONE. EW EW EW EW EW EW EW. I HATED WRITING THOSE PARTS. I just thought that for the plot I had in mind, it made sense putting them together, but I'm very sorry for putting you through that.

2. I read some comments and some of them are so goddamn funny. Thank you for that

3. Like I said, I wrote this whole thing while pulling an all nighter, so that's why some of it might be weird. I was tired and wrote it so fast. Oopsies

4. At one point in the story, Ron calls Draco a mouth breather. Apparently they say that in Stranger things? I didn't mean to make a Stranger things reference, I just thought the wording was funny. But anyway

5. I mentioned that I was writing another OC fanfic. At the time I was, but I haven't even touched it in months. But after seeing all the love on this story, I think I'll try writing it again! So look out for that just in case. 

Thanks again guys I'm glad we're all bisexual and in love with a fucking ginger brit.

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