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After everyone cleared their plates, presents got passed down to every person. Every single person got a sweater with their initial on it. I remembered what Ron told me before I came here, 'put on a real show when mum gives it to you.' I hardly need to pretend. She looked so excited to give it to me, and it was made so thoughtfully that I didn't have to summon fake tears, I had to hold real ones back.

I get a few other things from the Weasleys and Harry and Hermione, but just little chocolates and candies. I set aside the ones from Fred and George. 

I was able to muster up enough sweets to give at least everyone a small present, but nobody made me feel bad for not bringing more. I didn't have time to go to Diagon Alley before coming here, so nobody blamed me. Everyone split off to eat their sweets and admire their new gifts. I slip my new Weasley sweater over my shirt and breathe in the smell of it. It smelled of sugar cookies, cinnamon, and various shampoos. 

Ron approached me. "Hey, Y/N. Happy Christmas." He offered me a palm sized pie. I giggle and take it.

"Happy first Weasley Christmas to me." I say, and we both cheers our pies. 

Ron takes a bite of his and says through a mouthful, "You think you'll be back again next year?" 

I pretend to think for a moment. "If all goes well, I expect I will be." Ron grins a toothy, pie-y grin. Harry runs up and slaps us both on the backs.

"Christmas Quidditch game?" Ron and I slap Harry's back in agreement. 

We round up Ginny and twins, throw on some old robes, and grab a few brooms out of the shed. Harry leaves his Firebolt in the Burrow in order to play fair.

Me, Harry, and Ron against Ginny, Fred and George. I tackle whichever twin looks more threatening in the moment and keep him away from Ron, the keeper. The rules of quidditch become infinitely more complicated when you only have a team of 3, but we still play with all our might.

"Whoever's team wins gets to test out the newest Weasley's Wizard Wheezes product!" George calls out when they fall behind in points.

"Yeah, we never did get the chance to test out those Puking Pastille 2.0's!" Fred calls, distracting himself and his team long enough for me to fly past him and throw the quaffle past Ginny.

Harry and Ron holler from across the yard, and I give Ginny a smug look. She kicks at my broom and I fly away. 

Ron is able to keep Fred and George away from their makeshift goal posts nearly the whole game. He was determined to win, and win he did. 

Me, Ron and Harry triumphantly fly to the ground after scoring 150 points, the agreed upon winning number. The match was a bit short, but it was cold enough outside that we all agreed to stop at one game. As the others threw the old robes and brooms into the shed, I hear Hermione cheering from the Burrow. She's standing in front of the door, jumping up and down, clapping.

I rush over on my broom and she wraps me in a hug. "You play really well! Why aren't you on the Hogwarts team?" Hermione asked breathlessly. I smile and shake my head.

"I don't know, I think I excel when it's only 6 of us on the field. I'm not very athletic otherwise." we both laugh and she congratulates me again.

"If you ever do want to join the team, I know the captain. I'm sure he'd give you a spot," She gestures behind me toward Harry. I smile at her as she turns to go inside.

"Wait, Hermione?" I call after her. She turns back around. "Yesterday, I was pretty out of it. But I remember you and Ron... Getting together, or something? I have this memory of you hugging..." I rack my brain, trying to tell her the details, but Hermione just shakes her head. 

"Y/N, Ron and I are great friends. He's one of my best friends. He was comforting me about Draco. I was worried you wouldn't want to be around me anymore because of him, that you wouldn't forgive me for what he's done... and Ron assured me that you wouldn't do that. He said you're too wonderful to refuse forgiveness." Hermione smiled. "I love Ron. But, like I said, sometimes romantic feelings just aren't there. I was hoping-" she cut herself off, and I turn to see Ron and the rest of our little team walking back up to the house.

"Do you have any other questions about yesterday?" Hermione asked, biting her lips.

I think back to that warm feeling on my cheek. That comforting, caring feeling.

"No," I say. "I think I have what I need."

Hermione gives me a once over, a shy smile, and disappears into the house. I turn back to the shed to put away my broom and robes as Harry, Ginny, Fred, and George walk into the Burrow. Ron is still at the shed, just taking off his robes.

I throw my broom in the shed and hang up the robes, smoothing down my new Weasley sweater. I look over at Ron.

He smiles nervously. "I've got one more present for you."

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now