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"Hey, you two. Mrs. Weasley says breakfast is ready." Hermione says as she gently shakes me awake. I groggily open my eyes to see Hermione fully dressed, with one hand on me and one on Ginny. 

"Oi, calm down, we're up." Ginny grumbles next to me, gently swatting Hermione's hand away. Hermione shakes her head and leaves the room.

I pull myself up and sigh. I touch the spot on my arm where Hermione shook me awake before yawning and getting dressed. Ginny reluctantly followed suit.

"Hey, Gin. I know you won't remember because you were half asleep, but what you said last night..." I say as I wait for her to finish getting dressed.

"I do not remember what you're talking about, but yes. I was definitely right." Ginny grins as she opens the door and starts down the stairs. I inhale deeply and follow. 

Everyone else is already seated at the breakfast table. All the Weasleys, Fleur, Harry, Hermione, and now me. I take the last seat, between Ron and Ginny, as the rest of the table talks over each other. 

Ron nudges me. I look over and he nods his head towards Harry, whose sitting on the other side of him. Ron then gets up and walks upstairs, leaving me and Harry with no buffer. Harry immediately closes the gap.

"Y/N, I apologize for last night. I didn't mean to be rude, or intrusive. I just want to protect you from getting hurt." Harry says before I can even register his presence. He looks at me hopefully, and I give him a small smile.

"I know you didn't mean any harm Harry. Listen, I shouldn't've gotten so worked up." I say silently. "I guess I'm just confused."

"It's okay. Wanna talk about it over chess?" Harry smiles. I chuckle and nod as Ron returns to his seat.

"Now is it all worked out? Will you be joining us for chess?" Ron asks. I nod and Ron gives me a playful nudge with his shoulder. I turn to my breakfast and start listening to Arthur and Hermione's conversation about dentistry.

"That is so fascinating, it's their job to clean teeth!" Mr. Weasley says astonished. Hermione nods and catches me looking.

"Oh, Y/N, you grew up in the muggle world as well!" Hermione mentions. I nod. "Mr. Weasley was just asking about my parents jobs and such, do you think you could..." She falters and gives me a pleading look. 'Please get him off my back' she seems to say with her eyes. I let out a tiny chuckle and shyly smile at her before turning to Mr. Weasley.

"You know, Mr. Weasley, have you ever heard of a contractor?" I ask. His eyes light up.

Hermione spends the rest of breakfast stealing thankful glances at me that I try not to notice. Or, when I do notice, I try not to let it affect me too much. The Weasleys eventually dwindle out of the room, and before I knew it, Ron was dragging me outside.

"Oh this is my favorite spot to play! No gnomes ever bother us over here." Ron explains as he lead me to and old shed beyond the garden. Harry comes running after us holding a chess board. We set up around the side of the shed, just behind it so nobody could see from the Burrow.

"Alright, I'm just observing this game. You and Harry go against each other." Ron said giddily, and sat beside me. He peered over my shoulder ready to whisper tips in my ear. As I start setting up the board, I look up at Harry and remember something.

"Hey, Harry?" He looks up at me. "What did you mean when you said you wanted to protect me from getting hurt?"

Harry raised his eyebrows. "At breakfast? About Hermione?" I wait for him to continue. "Oh, just worried that she won't feel the same way I suppose. There's a lot of ways it could go wrong."

"Merlin, you're negative." I joke half heartedly. Why is he being so insistent on me not coming clean to Hermione? "Are you... do you have feelings for her too?" I ask slowly.

Harry straightens his posture, bewildered. "No! Not Hermione." He shakes his head. "I promise you that."

"Oh, I see. So do you-" I stop myself. I almost ask if he does like Ginny, but Ron watches us both. Maybe it's not something Harry wants to mention in front of him. "Okay. So just, two out of three," I joke, gesturing between Ron and myself.

"It's complicated," Ron says. "For a while, I thought-"

"Hi, you lot." Hermione appears from the side of the shed.

"Blimey! Hermione, a warning next time!" Ron gasps, his ears already getting pink.

"It's only me," Hermione says defensively. "I was just coming here to read. I didn't mean to give a heart attack, Ronald."

I don't know what to say. I want to make some witty joke, but it's too hard around Hermione. What if she doesn't laugh? What if I say the wrong thing? Or-

"Y/N, thanks for talking to Mr. Weasley for me. He comes to me with all his questions, and sometimes it's quite the load." She smiles. I laugh slightly and smile back.

"I, ha, yeah," I say. Immediate regret. Oh my god. I could've said anything else. I can feel Ron lowering his head in shame. Hermione nods and avoids eye contact. I try to save it. "I mean, yeah, I can understand that. How many times can you explain a rubber duck to a grown man, right?"

Hermione laughs. Not just a polite laugh, but she actually laughs at my joke. Harry does the same. Ron gives me a light slap on the knee, but has a smile on his face.

"No offense, Ron. I do love your dad. He's just, overly curious sometimes." Hermione adds. She sits down next to Harry.

"Yeah, alright, I try to tell him that too." Ron rolls his eyes and turns back to the chess board. "Your move, Y/N."

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now