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I stand next to Ron at the door of the shed, and a harsh cold wind rips through us both. Ron shudders and pulls me into the shed, closing the doors, and it's instantly warmer. I reach down, pull up my jeans, and pull out my wand from my sock. "Lumos!" I whisper, and warm golden light fills the shed. 

Ron looks at me amusingly. "You keep your wand in your sock now?"

I watch as he retrieves his own wand from his sock, and adds more light. "I guess I picked it up from you," I remember, and cross my arms for warmth. Ron smiles in that soft way I said before. His eyes tender and round, his lips turned at one angle. We both place our lit wands upright between some old hair curlers.

He pulls something out of his pocket and sits down on the old dusty trunk with the broken latches. He looks up at me, inviting me to sit next to him. We share the trunk, and he hands me a tiny box, about the size of a mousetrap.

He lays his hand on my knee as I start to tear the wrapping off the box. I nervously readjust my butt on the trunk, but then an urge comes to me. "Wait," I say before opening the gift, "Stand up, I have an idea."

Ron stands up with a puzzled expression. "Alright, but you still haven't opened your gift..." 

I smile and place the box carefully by my feet. I pick up my wand, put out it's light, and point it at the old trunk. I focus for a moment, trying to remember the exact spell...

"Clausis Instaurabo!" I remember at last. Dust explodes off the old trunk, it clamps shut tight and the locks click. I glance over at Ron to see him beaming.

"I taught you that, didn't I?" He says confidently. I laugh, light my wand once more and set it back down. He picks his own wand up to inspect the newly cleaned trunk.

"You did. Remember you fixed my trunk just before we came here. I thought now I could fix yours." I say.

Ron licks his lips before sticking his tongue down firmly in his cheek. He crosses his arms, his wand still in his hand. "But I didn't fix it. Not all the way." He said, and swallowed.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Remember," he said, "you've only got one wheel on your trunk, so we had to levitate it to the train, but-"

"Oh, the wheel? I can't believe you remembered that. I don't really know of any spells that can conjure up new wheels for my trunk-"

"Accio." Ron said suddenly. He uncrossed his arms. The mouse trap sized present flew up from the ground into his hand and the wrapping fell away. He glanced up between me and the box, and slowly lifted the lid off. Inside lay a brand new wheel to screw on to my trunk.

I didn't know how to react. Sure, it was just a wheel. But, he went out of his way and bought that wheel. He remembered I had a broken trunk and decided to help me fix it. I lifted it out of the box and inspected it. It wasn't one he had pulled off another trunk, he had looked at mine and went out to find an identical one.

"I know it's not much. Just a wheel. But you seemed to really need one." He said. He was tapping his foot, not in an impatient manner. In a nervous manner. He drummed his wand against his thigh, and his eyes darted between mine and the wheel. I heard him gulp nervously.

Ron Weasley is a loyal and amazing friend. He cares so much for the people in his life, but he is damn awful at showing it. The fact that Ron Weasley bought me something so sentimental, useful, and specific meant a whole lot. And the fact that he was so nervous about it meant even more.

But I may be just as bad. Instead of thanking him profusely, instead of pulling him into a hug, instead of kissing him, or doing the things I desperately wanted to do, I just stared. I can only look him in the eyes.

That feeling always comes back when our eyes meet. A nervous, anxious, curious, excited feeling. He stares back at me, for a moment he stops twitching and fiddling with his wand. He's still, looking right into my eyes.

"I... Thank you. I love it." I say after an awkward silence. Ron lets out a breath he was holding for way too long, and smiles.

"I'll put it on your trunk for you," He offered.

I tried to protest, I tried to thank him, but I just left my mouth hanging open with a trace of a smile. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't even emote.

Ron took the wheel from my hands and smiled again. "I'll meet you back up at the house. I expect dinner will be on the table soon." He paused for another awkward silence, and walked out of the shed.

The cold wind blasted in again from the open door but it took me a few moments to even feel it. I was already so hot. I can't imagine how red in the face I must've been. After standing dazed in the cold for a few minutes, I slowly picked up my wand and staggered out of the door. I nearly had a heart attack when I bumped into Ginny.

"Oh! You're still out here!" She said, and started rummaging through the robes they'd used for quidditch. "I left my... Ah! I left a little sweet for Harry in my pocket here-" Ginny held up the candy and noticed the shining trunk in the corner. "Did you clean that old trunk?"

I blinked a few times. "I fixed it too. Ron... showed me how."

Ginny looked back and forth between me and the trunk a few times. "Did something happen? Are you okay?" She asked.

She stepped close to me and grabbed my shoulders. I looked her in the eye. "Earth to Y/N... What happened?"

My mouth slowly closed into a smile. "I think... I think Ron loves me."

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now