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As soon as I shut Ron's bedroom door behind me and started heading to Ginny's room, I felt something pelt me in the face. "Oi!" I heard a whisper from the next staircase up. I looked up, only to be met with another thing hitting me in the face. 

"Come on!" I whisper back angrily before looking down at the floor. Tiny candies lay at my feet, which were being used as makeshift bullets. Another one hit the top of my head this time. I snatch it out of the air before it hits the ground and glare up. Two pairs of brown eyes peak out at me from the next flight up. I stomp up the stairs to meet Fred and George, whose arms are both overflowing with their handmade puking pastilles. 

"What do you want, then?" I whisper angrily at the twins. They grin, drop all the candies, and pull me into their room. I stumble in the dark and fall onto what I can only hope is a bed. The light flickers on and the twins tower in front of me.

"We thought you could assist us in our latest endeavor." George grins. I sigh and rest my head in my hands. Here we go again. My relationship with the Weasley twins is somewhat complicated.

Ron and I share a fear of spiders. In 3rd year, Ron told me that the reason he's so afraid of them is because Fred and George transfigured Ron's teddy bear into a spider when they were kids. When Ron told me that, I freaked out. I became so angry with the twins, that I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. They were pranking menaces and nobody dared prank them back, mostly because it was all in good fun. But, they were the reason Ron had such a huge fear of spiders, and they didn't seem sorry about it. Being overprotective and a bit personally offended, I wanted to get them back. One night while they were off at Quidditch practice, I snuck into their dormitory and bewitched all their belongings to turn to dust when they grabbed them. They came back from their match, exhausted, fell down on their beds only for them to end up on the floor covered in dust.

Any sane person who got this prank pulled on them would be angry, and maybe even feel bad about the whole spider thing. Not Fred and George. After they found out that I was the one who pulled that prank, they were delighted. They took me under their wing. Every other prank they pull, they consult with me. They believe I have a brilliant mind for pranking. I still hold a grudge against them, but they mean no harm nowadays, and sometimes it can be fun conspiring with them.

But not tonight. I'm still mad at Harry, and nervous about spending the night with Hermione. I'm not in the right headspace to deal with the twins and whatever they're up to.

"I really don't think my assistance is needed tonight. I should really be heading to bed." I start to stand up but the pair of them block the door. 

"Oh not so fast, Y/N. You haven't heard the plan." Fred tilts his head and smirks. "You might want to be involved for this one."

"We were already planning it, you see, but then we heard your shouting," George explains.

I cock my head. "My shouting? What do you mean?" 

"We were about to go through with it when we heard you shouting at Harry! We thought you might want to take this opportunity for revenge," George grins.

"You heard that?" I ask quickly. "What did you hear exactly?"

"Just you telling him to keep his nose out of your business. We completely agree." Fred held up his pointer finger. "His nose is not where it's supposed to be."

George steps out of the room and quickly returns with a handful of puking pastilles. "We're trying to slip him one of these. It's a new recipe. Instead of puking out of your mouth, it fills your nose with the smell of vomit. He'll be smelling sick for hours!"

I guffaw at them. "Why do you want Harry to have vomit smell in his nose?" 

"Well, it's just as my dear brother Fred has mentioned." George holds up one of the candies. "His nose needs to sniff around somewhere else. We just thought this would encourage him."

"What's Harry in your business about? With me, he's just been a bit nosy in my..." I pause. "My, uh, love life." The twins wiggle their eyebrows. 

"Love life! Y/N has got a love life!" Fred teases.

"Now now Fred, let's not pry. Don't need to get any more on her bad side, do we?" George pokes your side. Fred nods solemnly and leans in. 

"Harry's nosy about his own love life, you see. He's sniffing around our sister." Fred says in a mock whisper. 

"Caught him eyeing her down while she walked up the stairs!" George exclaims. "Now if he tries to get anywhere near Ginny, she'll smell the vomit off his face and run for the hills!"

"Harry and Ginny?" I ask. "I hadn't noticed. But look, I don't know if I should get involved with this one. Not really in the mood."

"Then it sounds like you need cheering up!" Fred pets my head.

"And we've got just the thing to cheer you up." George smiles and grabs my shoulder. "You slip him this and watch with us."

I roll my eyes. Harry probably didn't deserve to smell vomit all day, and I knew the twins didn't care very much if Harry liked Ginny. They probably just wanted to test their new product. Slipping him this just felt cruel. Harry was still my friend.

"No, you two. Don't pull this on Harry. He didn't do anything wrong." I sigh. Maybe Harry was just looking out for me. I don't know.

"Well, do you want to do us a favor and try it out then?" Fred grinned and held out one of the candies. I shake my head but stare at the candy for a moment.

"I don't want to try it. But I have an idea on who you can test it on. Can you wait until your dad's party?"

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now