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"I expect you all to be on your best behavior! Mingle, but stay out of the way! Fred! George! You are to stay upstairs. Or outside, or in the sky, just do not pull any tricks!" Mrs. Weasley shouted at everyone and everything as she hustled about the Burrow, cleaning up and setting up for the party. She sent me and Hermione to enchant the den to snow, bewitch decorations to move, little spectacles like that. I felt a bit proud that Mrs. Weasley thought highly enough of me as a witch that I could take care of all the magic stuff, and keep up with Hermione. The two of us got along, and slowly got to know each other more as we set up. I thought I knew Hermione just from our mutual friends, but learning her favorite songs, favorite foods, holiday traditions, and so on, made me feel a lot closer to the real thing.

It was nice talking to Hermione, now that I was less nervous to even look at her. I cracked more jokes with ease, and I wasn't afraid of her not laughing. We actually had quite similar tastes in humor that matched each other well. We liked a lot of the same things, and I was finding it so easy to talk to her.

And of course, she was pretty. I couldn't forget that. But maybe, Harry was right. This could be a precious friendship. Maybe Ginny was right, as I get to know Hermione, the crush will fade. And maybe Ron was right, I may have put Hermione on a pedestal and need to look past it.

So why do I keep thinking about what it would be like to kiss her?

I wonder what Hermione could possibly be thinking about. No way she's thinking about kissing me, that's not something that really comes true. So, I decide to ask.

"What are you thinking about right now?" I break a tiny silence. Hermione shakes a snow globe and taps it with her wand, turning it into a flurry before she turns to look at me.

"Honestly, I'm thinking about Luna." She says. My heart drops, but only a little. I raise my eyebrows at her and Hermione continues. "You really didn't tell anyone you dated?"

I shake my head. "Only you, really. And maybe a few first year Ravenclaws."

Hermione nods thoughtfully. "Was Luna your only girlfriend? Did you date anybody else?" She asked. Suddenly, her eyes widen. "Wait, you dated Dean-"

"Dean was not my beard! I actually liked him, okay! I like both boys and girls." I explain again. Hermione holds out her hand defensively.

"Okay, alright! I suppose you get that question often." I nod furiously and she smiles. "I see now. So, have you dated anyone since Luna?"

I look up at her and quickly look away. "No. Not since June. That's when we broke up."

Hermione smiled and stepped closer. "Well, do you fancy anyone? Is there anyone you would be with?"

I chuckle and tap my wand on my knee nervously. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Oh, please! Y/N, with Harry and Ron it's always 'Hermione give us advice, Hermione do our homework, Hermione how do you kill a basilisk, blah blah blah'! For once I'd love to have a silly conversation with another girl about crushes." She collapses on the couch. I give her an inquisitive look. "I know that may sound odd coming from me, but before Hogwarts, I didn't have many muggle friends. And then, I only had BOY friends. Besides Ginny, but Ginny would never talk about boys with me. I'd really love one conversation that doesn't pass the bechdel test." She sighs. "Oh, or does! Is it a boy or girl you've got your eye on?" She asks.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Hermione Granger wants to engage in cliche girl talk? The thought of it seems laughable, but after hearing her explain her reasoning, I felt more inclined to participate.

"Oh Hermione. I don't know." I can't very well tell her that she's the one I fancy at the moment. "I haven't had a crush in a while." 

"Are you sure?" Hermione asks. "Not even... I don't know." She huffs out a breath and stands up. She walks over and stands right in front of me. "Listen, Y/N, don't be embarrassed. No matter who it is, you can tell me. Even if it's... someone in this house." I hold my breath. "A certain redhead, perhaps. I won't judge you. I can keep secrets, remember?" I can't help but feel a bit skeptical. The way she's talking, it's almost like she knows. 

I look in Hermione's eyes, and I can tell she's looking for a specific answer. I can't say 'Hermione'. That's not what she's looking for. 

I wave her off. "Really, I don't have an answer for you. But hey, I mean, what about you?" I ask. "Do you fancy anyone?"

Hermione looked away. She bit her lip and absently tapped a gingerbread cookie with her wand, causing it to dance on it's plate. 

"Hermione?" I pry. "Just like you said, you can tell me, no matter who it is." From her reaction, Hermione definitely fancied someone. I felt a bit sweatier than usual.

"Guests are arriving! Be sure you've got your best clothes on!" Mrs. Weasley's voice rang out through the house. Hermione glanced up at me and sighed.

"We'd better go change." She hurried up the stairs.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now