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Malfoy was quick, but I deflected his curse just in time. "Protego!"

Hermione screams at us both to stop, and fumbles for her wand. Ron doesn't move a muscle. He knows I can handle it myself, but he also just seems frozen in anger.

Malfoy winds up, his mouth about to open to shout another curse, when I look down and see the broken pieces of apple scattered at my feet.

"Oppugno!" I exclaim, and the apple pieces fly off the ground and shoot towards Draco. They hit his face and chest hard enough for him to get knocked over. He lets out an angry shout and stands up. I see Hermione finally find her wand. I look at her for a moment, wondering how she ended up with this loser, and nearly forget I'm in the middle of a duel. Before I can lift my wand, Draco has already shouted another curse.

"Stupefy!" he tried again, successfully this time. The wind gets knocked out of me, and the last thing I see before hitting my head against the wall is Draco disaperating out of the room.

I can't feel my body. I float for a while in inky blackness before my reality shifts. Ron's there. Me and him are sitting with our backs against the old shed, during summertime. A destroyed chessboard is tossed to the side, forgotten by it's former players. Harry and Ginny chase each other on broomsticks, and faceless people make up the rest of their quidditch team. Fred and George are lounging on the roof of the Burrow, countless stories high, but they're safe and happy. Hermione walks out of the house, and heads toward us. She smiles and waves. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Hermione is our friend, and I'm happy. Ron's arm hooks through mine and I lay my head on his shoulder. I'm not nervous anymore. I look over into Ron's eyes, open my mouth to say something, and pudding shoots out. I try to scream, but no noise escapes from my lips.

A waterfall of pudding starts pouring out of my mouth. I blink, and suddenly Ron is a mile away. I didn't realize I was wearing a hat before, but suddenly it starts squeezing my head as hard as possible. I lose my vision, I reach up to try and yank the hat off, but to no avail. I look at my hands, and they're now covered in blood. From under my hat, hundreds of tiny gnat like bugs start buzzing out. They're surrounding me. They're crawling in my ears, around my face, and then everything is black.

"Gosh, your head really is full of them." A familiar voice echoes from far away.

My eyes shot open. I'm propped up on the bathroom floor inside the Burrow, nose to nose with Luna Lovegood.

"Oh! Luna!" I manage. The back of my head is throbbing, and she's got her arms wrapped around me, tending to the wound. I'm in too much pain to be nervous about it.

"You hit your head really hard on the wall. And not just the flat part of the wall, the corner of the doorframe. That part can be quite sharp."

"Yeah. It can be, Luna."

She smiles at me and slowly backs away. "Let's get a bit cozier, yeah?" I feel her drag me out of the bathroom and sit me up on some stairs. "See, now you can recline. Is that better?" She asks and sits down on one of the steps next to me.

Thankfully, the Weasley stairs were carpeted, so I relax into them.

Luna continuers. "I heard a commotion and came upstairs just in time to see you pass out. Good thing I'm quite good at fixing head injuries." I nod.

"Thanks, Luna. How's my head?"

"Oh, just fine. It's not bleeding as much. The bad thing is I'm not as good at fixing head injuries where there's an open wound. I mostly tend bruises."

"Okay. Thanks anyway, Luna."

"You're very welcome. Ron is off to get you some ice at the moment. He seemed very eager to do the job. Is he your boyfriend now then?" Luna asks, in the most Luna way possible.

I feel my jaw tighten. "No, no Luna. Ron and I, we're not... It's not like that." I remember how angry he'd been, seeing Draco with Hermione. Maybe he wasn't over her after all, and maybe neither am I.

"Oh, well that's too bad. You seem quite sweet together. So do Draco and Hermione."

My head throbs. "Luna! Did you know about them?"

Luna brightens. "Nobody had to tell me! They're not the only ones who like to go to the room of requirement!"

I stare at her groggily. "Luna... were you watching them?"

"Oh no, I'd never invade privacy." Luna shakes her head. "I walked in, saw them together, and walked right out. I couldn't interrupt a sweet moment."

"No Luna! Not a sweet moment! Draco is nasty and doesn't deserve Hermione at all!" I wince.

"No I don't quite disagree. He has said some cruel things. But, I did see a moment. A nice one. They were holding each other. With their arms around each other. Like lovers do." Luna raised her eyebrows. "I've never known Draco to be so vulnerable. I really feel a bit guilty witnessing it. How private."

I narrow my eyes. "I don't know, Luna. Hermione-"

"Is happy. She's experiencing something with Draco, you know. She very well knows how to take care of herself." Luna smiled her sad, sweet smile. "You need to let her go."

I sputter. "Luna, what do you-"

"Oh, Y/N. You're not very good at keeping secrets. You always had an eye for her. I'm quite observant, you know. But she won't do what you please. Neither will I."


"You didn't see what I saw. Draco opened up, and Hermione didn't seem to be distressed. She looked like he was her favorite book, and she was having a quiet afternoon reading. A lovely afternoon." Luna smiled and reached over to pat my cheek. "You're very close to it, Y/N. Finding what you need. Really, just look up. Open your eyes." Luna got to her hands and knees and began her descent down the stair case, looking back when she got to the first turn.

"I'm off then. I'll see you at Hogwarts. And please, clean some of the wrackspurts out of your eyes. You're nearly mad."

With that, Luna crawled down the stairs.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now