Twenty Four

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I burst into the common room. "Hermione! Hermione!" I shouted, scaring several third years. Sure enough, Hermione sat on the couch and peeked up from behind her book. "Quickly!" 

Hermione looked bewildered, but set down her book and followed me out into the hallway. "What's going on?" She asked in a panic.

"You're an amazing friend Hermione, but I'm not going to be the reason you don't have something real," I said breathlessly, pulling her down the hall to the stairs. 

"What? Y/N, what's happened?" She said as she stumbled along behind me.

I stopped for a moment to look her in the eyes. "I don't care what Draco's done to me. I know Ron doesn't care anymore either. You love him. He loves you. Go be with him."

She takes a step back in surprise. "Y/N... Don't tell me you've forgiven him."

I sigh and grab her shoulders. "Hermione, you know what to do. You're way to smart to be with someone that has no room for redemption."

Hermione slowly reached up to hold my hands on her shoulders. "How could I be with someone who's done such cruel things? How can I be sure that he truly cares about me? I haven't spoken to him in months."

I smiled. "Hermione, how could he not care about you? You're the most brilliant girl I know."

She looked me in the eyes, searching for a lie. Her breath started to deepen, her chest rising and falling higher and lower. 

Before I knew it, she cupped my face in her hands and pulled me in. I was too stunned to kiss her back. My hands stayed frozen on her shoulders. I closed my eyes after a moment, but opened them again to see hers squeezed shut as tight as possible. Her lips, soft as they were, were puckered up so tightly you'd think she just chugged lemon juice. I puckered slightly, politely, and awkwardly. She pulled away seconds later, opening her eyes but keeping her brow furrowed.

She looked just as stunned as I felt. She blinked a few times. "Sorry..." she choked out, dropping her hands to her sides. I pulled mine away and pressed them against my thighs.

"Hermione, I don't..." I started to say, but she sighed.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

I smiled. "Sometimes, those feelings just... aren't there."

She nodded. "I thought, maybe if we... but no." 

"Hermione, becoming your friend is the best thing that ever came out of my crush on you. I don't need anything else." I said, maybe realizing for the first time.

She tilted her head. "You trying to get me back with Draco... You really seem to..."

"I do. I care about you so much, Hermione. So much that I want to make things right."

"I feel the same."

I take her hand again. "Draco cares about you. He's gone to the Room of Requirement every day since term started up, hoping you'd meet him there. He gave you your space, but kept holding out hope you wouldn't need it anymore."

Hermione began to blush. "He's told you that? Every day he's gone?"

I nodded and pulled her up the stairs. "He's there right now Hermione. You've got to go see him. I told him to wait there, but if we take too long he might not believe me."

Hermione laughed. "He'll be there."

We stopped at the top of the staircase as it began to shift. "Please, go talk to him. He'll make it right. Take it slow."

Hermione blinked and looked up, calculating how many staircases she needed to climb before making it the right floor. She inhaled deeply. "I'll talk to him."

I pulled her into a hug, and she reciprocated tightly. I buried my face in her bushy hair and she dug her chin into my shoulder. "I can't see you upset anymore. I know you've tried to hide it, but ever since you broke up, you've been off. Go figure out how to be you again." I mumbled into her hair.

Hermione pulled away and looked at me quizzically. "You're one to talk, Y/N."

I raised my eyebrows. "Have I been off too?"

She nearly laughed. "Y/N! You've been in a daze since Christmas! I know it's got something to do with Ron."

I lowered my eyes and looked at her through my lashes. "I think he might've had feelings for me, and it freaked me out."

Hermione bit her lip. "What, do you not feel the same way? Because that's not true. Of course you do."

"Yes, of course I do! I was just nervous that, well, I wasn't going to be the best version of me. Like, what if I'm not ready for it? A relationship with him? If we get together, that's it. We're all in, I'm never going to find someone better after him."

Hermione smirked. "You may be acting a bit dramatic."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe. But, even if I was being dramatic, it's too late now. He must have moved on, I took way too long."

Hermione actually laughed out loud. "You're kidding! He hasn't stopped talking about you! He's told us he doesn't think you feel the same about him! He's devastated!" 

My jaw drops slightly. "He-When did he say that?"

"The last time he mentioned it was before he went to quidditch practice, just earlier tonight. He should be getting out soon." She winked.

"Hermione... what if I'm still not good enough? What if I'm not the best version of me yet?" I stutter.

Hermione sighs, thinking for a moment. "You know... Maybe the version of you that's best is the version of you when you're with him."

I blinked. "Hermione, you really are brilliant."

"You've gotten me back with the boy I can't stop thinking about. I'm only trying to do the same for you." She smiled before darting up the next staircase. My stomach did a flip.

I've got to get down to the quidditch pitch.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now