Twenty Five

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I race across the Hogwarts lawn. I see the Gryffindor quidditch team darting around like tiny specks over the pitch. I try to breath steadily as I sprint down a hill and nearly fall on my face. I can see the team lowering down to the ground. I pant and pause, gripping a stitch at my side. 

I slow down to a jog for the rest of the distance to the pitch. Harry walks out first, his hair dripping wet. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asks and pushes his glasses up his nose. 

I'm still trying to catch my breath. "I've gotta... I need to see... see Ron."

Harry tries to hold back a grin. "For good reason I hope?"

I smirk a bit, still panting slightly. "I hope so too."

Harry comes closer to me. "Ron took a spill in the mud, so I suspect he'll be out of the showers last." Just then, Ginny comes out.

"Y/N?" She asks and looks at Harry. He simply gives a nod and she breaks into a grin.

"We'd better get going," she says, winking at me. She grabs Harry by the hand and runs away as a few more people exit the showers.

I know Ron will be next to leave. My heart doing backflips, I stand about 10 feet directly in front of the exit. 

I feel sick. Not like a throw up kind of sick, but a Im going to pass out due to anxiousness if Ron doesn't come out now kind of sick. I wipe my sweaty hands on my pants and press on my thighs to keep them from shaking.

Just then, Ron appears. He wears a faded gray t shirt, a bit wet on the shoulders from his damp hair. He's rubbing his eyes as he walks out, a bag slung over his should. 

He removes his hands from his eyes and spots me. He freezes and his face drops.

"Hey-" he starts, his voice catching a bit. "What are you doing down here?"

I open my mouth to speak, but I haven't prepared exactly what to say. What am I supposed to say? Where am I supposed to begin?

He still looks a bit shocked and takes a slow step forward. "Y/N? It's been ages since we've spoken. Are you alright?"

I take a deep breath. "Ron..." He licks his lips and looks at me intensely.

"Ron..." I say again. "You... you bought me that wheel."

His face turns from shock to confusion. "Yeah, uh, I remember."

I shake my head. "Ron, you bought me a wheel... and when I saw it, I kind of..." Where am I going with this?

Ron raises his brows. "Was something wrong with it?"

I shake my head quickly. "No! No, that's just it. It was perfect. I was a perfect gift, and I didn't thank you."

"Wha- Yeah you did, you thanked me. But if you didn't I'm not upset about it." He said, trying to make a light joke.

I swallowed. "No, Ron. In the moment, when you gave it to me, I loved it so much that I couldn't thank you enough. I didn't know how."

"I mean... How were you supposed to thank me?" He asked and took a few more steps forward.

I blinked a few times. "I- What I should've done..." I look down for a moment. There was no going back, I just had to get it out. "Ron, do you love me?"

I didn't look at him, so I couldn't read his expression. He didn't say anything, or make any moves. I quickly keep talking. "The wheel, Ron, you giving it to me meant a lot, and it made me think that maybe you loved me. I got nervous, thinking you were wrong for loving me, and I pushed you away, and I hid my feelings for you, and when you gave me the wheel I couldn't even speak."

I finally look up. Ron is frozen in shock. His eyebrows are still slightly raised, and his eyes are nearly popping. His mouth hangs open slightly, and his hands droop at his sides. A drop of water falls from his hair and hits his shoulder.

"What I should've done, in that moment... I should've just kissed you, Ron. I should've told you I loved you and kissed you. But I messed it up."

Ron finally begins to move. He takes sharp breath and closes his mouth. He blinks a few times before stepping forward. "Y/N..."

"Am I messing it up again?" I whispered.

I close the gap between us so we're only inches apart. Even though we're not touching, I swear he can feel my heartbeat. Ron licks his lips with wide eyes. 

"I could be messing it up because I'm wrong. Maybe you don't love me back. But..."

Ron shakes his head slightly.

I keep speaking, my voice hardly above a whisper. "But am I messing it up again by not kissing you?"

Ron's mouth twitches into the smallest smile. His hands meet the small of my back and he pulls me to his chest. "Yeah, you are." He chuckles before pressing his mouth on mine.

I fling my hands to his shoulders and kiss back immediately. His arms tighten around me, and even though we're already pressed up against each other we try to pull each other even closer.

His lips are warm and soft, the kiss the perfect mixture of gentle and forceful. The water from his hair drips onto my face as we move in rhythm with each other. My hands travel from his shoulders, to his neck, to his face. 

We pull apart. I open my eyes and look up to meet his. They're shining, he's grinning. I giggle breathlessly and let go of him. I stumble over to lean against the outside wall of the locker rooms and put my hand to my heart, trying to keep it from bursting. I look back up at Ron, he's still wearing the same cheeky grin. He comes over to me and runs his fingers through my hair. He spends a moment just looking at me, brushing the hair out of my face, tracing my jaw and my lips.

"Y/N..." He starts to say, but doesn't have any words. Both of us are speechless. I take him by the hips and pull him closer. He moves his hands down to my thighs and lifts me up, pressing me against the wall. 

We kiss again, and he lets out a soft moan. He runs his hands across my legs, feels up my sides, holds my face, and moves back down again. 

I lower my legs and he lets me go. We barely separate, but he moves far enough away so we're nose to nose.

"I know you know by now," he whispers, "but I'm in love with you Y/N. Every bit of you."

I smile dreamily. "I'm in love with you too. Every version."

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now