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I walk a few feet in front of Ron. Careful not to lose him, since he had the apple, but still keeping enough distance. I have no idea what just happened outside with Ron. He got lost in the stars. I got a bit lost in his eyes. 

I lightly slap myself on the forehead. That was way too cheesy. How often do Ron and I have serious moments? There had to be some layer of irony in what just happened. There was no way I was just vulnerable with him like that, under the stars, warm in his embrace...

Fucking Merlin, snap out of it, I've got to go poison Malfoy. 

I wander the house for a bit, the kitchen, living room, dining room, peeking down in the basement. Ron tries to look in any spot I missed. Neither of us can find any sign of him.

"Could the little git have wandered on upstairs to our rooms?" Ron wondered. I wouldn't put it past him, so I give Ron a slight nod and begin walking up the stairs. The first room was empty, so the two of us kept walking.

"Hey, Y/N?" Ron said softly from behind me. "When we were outside..."

I stopped walking up the stairs and turned to him. "It was cold, huh." I say awkwardly, wanting to diffuse any possible tension. To my surprise, Ron cracked a smile.

"Yeah, it was pretty cold." He agreed. I swallow a lump in my throat as he looks in my eyes again. I stand a few steps above him, so I'm a few inches taller. Ron's smile melts for a moment, but comes back very soon after. "Did you... know what I was saying?"

I blink and furrow my brow. "Um... I suppose? Unless you were saying something, like, other than the actual words you said."

Ron stuck out his lip ever so slightly. "I was, a bit. I was trying to say-" Something thuds a few floors up. Ron and I exchange a quick glance and follow the sound. 

We check every door on the way, but one empty room after another. Finally, we get to Ginny's room. I start to open the door, but the handle won't budge. I take a confused look at Ron and turn back. The handle still doesn't move at all. 

"What's that slimy rat doing creeping in my sister's room?" Ron whispers angrily. I grit my teeth at the thought of Malfoy rummaging through all our stuff. 

"Ron, have you got your wand with you? I left mine in this room." I whisper, jerking my head at the door. Ron bends down, lifts up the bottom of his trousers, and pulls his wand from within his sock.

I hide a smile and step aside. Ron points his wand at the door handle and whispers, "Alohomora!"

The lock clicks and the door swings open. I burst into the room before Ron, clenching my fists, ready to get in a fight. But what I see causes my limbs to go slack, my hands to unclench and fall to my sides.

Draco and Hermione quickly pull apart at the sound of us bursting into the room. Hermione gasps and wipes her mouth, as Draco stiffens his jaw and swallows hard.

I feel Ron stumble in shock behind me. The four of us stand there in silence, no clue how to move forward from what we've just witnessed. Finally, my eyes settle on Hermione.

"What... What are you doing?" My voice comes out gravelly. Hermione stays silent, eyes wide for a few more moments before stepping forward.

"I know this looks crazy. I never meant for you to find out this way, either of you." she said steadily, looking frantically between me and Ron.

Draco looks up at the ceiling and puts his hands behind his head. I turn to look at him.

"How did this happen?" I ask, my voice still coming out hollow. Draco still doesn't answer, and Hermione takes another step forward.

"A few weeks into the term. We bumped into each other in the room of requirement. I was looking for old books, he was... getting rid of something. At first of course, we argued, but then we started getting along. Found some things in common."

Ron finally speaks. "Oh yeah? What exactly did you find in common with this... this ugly mouth breather?" He seethed.

Draco snaps at that. "I'm the mouth breather? Take a look at your dumb face Weasley, I can't believe you haven't got kicked out of school based on your complexion alone!"

"Stop it! Both of you!" Hermione shouts. Ron nearly screams. I flinch, never having heard him so upset. He twitches his hands, not sure what to do, until he angrily reaches into his pocket and throws the apple out onto the floor. The glaze causes it to shatter into pieces, scattering at our feet. 

The two boys share disgusted looks, and Ron seems about a second away from charging. Something aches in my chest.

I make my way across the room and sit on Ginny's bed. I pick up my wand from the floor where I left it and anxiously spin it between my fingers. "Y/N?" I look up at her. Hermione looks back with pleading eyes and a sorrowful frown. "Y/N, remember earlier when I told you, these things happen where you least expect it." Hermione glances at Draco, who is still glaring at Ron. "We don't really know what we're doing. It's just happening."

I grip my wand and stand up. "After everything he's done, Hermione? Every nasty thing he's ever said to us? You were the one who punched him in the face a few years ago, Hermione." I fight to keep my voice steady. Hermione opens and closes her mouth like fish, for once at a loss for words. I walk over to Ron. "Malfoy, I hope you know none of us trust you." I mutter just loud enough for him to hear.

Malfoy laughs. "Really. What a surprise. You know, you shouldn't trust your friends then either. Ginny and Potter. If you're so upset about me, then you'll be devastated to know that those two knew all along."

"Draco," Hermione hissed, "Look, Harry and Ginny found out the night before we left Hogwarts for holiday, because Draco was acting strange at the feast."

"He was perfectly in character." I say through my teeth.

Draco's face was as red as Ron's hair. He thrust out his wand. "So what's in character for me? Is this what you'd expect then? Stupefy!"


Hello I've got about 10 more chapters, this is just a short fluffy fic. I'm just gonna post it as it is, I thought about rewriting it but I think it's alright.

 I'm working on an OC enemies to lovers one with Ron, whichll have way longer chapters. Check that out too if you want, I just like writing Ron stuff because I'm a huge Ron girl and there just isn't enough fics for him!

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now